Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
Quick Start
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Intersoft WebGrid > Learning More > Working with Designer > Quick Start

Glossary Item Box

The quick start page is the main access point of most popular settings to help you quickly getting started with WebGrid. By default, the quick start page is displayed automatically when launched from design surface.

The quick start page consists of 8 sub pages. The Data Source sub page is automatically displayed when the WebGrid does not have binding configuration yet. The Popular Settings sub page will be displayed when the WebGrid already has a valid binding configuration. This allows you to concentrate on WebGrid's customization based on its current state.

The new expandable and collapsible user interface allows you to quickly locate a feature. Most settings are presented in check box and radio selection interface which are designed to help you instantly enable or disable, or modify a feature with one mouse click.

The following image shows the screenshot of Popular Settings in Quick Start page.

See Also

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