Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
LayoutSet Class Members
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ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid Namespace : LayoutSet Class

The following tables list the members exposed by LayoutSet.

Public Constructors

public ConstructorLayoutSet Constructor  

Public Fields

public FieldIsInitialized  

Public Properties

public PropertyAddedRowStyleThe style applied to added row in batch update mode.  
public PropertyAllowAddNewSpecifies whether the user is allowed to add new row(s).  
public PropertyAllowBatchUpdateSpecifies whether or not to allow users to perform multiple (batch) client side editing.  
public PropertyAllowColumnFreezingSpecifies whether the user is allowed to freeze column during runtime.  
public PropertyAllowColumnMoveSpecifies whether or not to allow users move columns.  
public PropertyAllowColumnSizingSpecifies whether or not to allow users resize column's width  
public PropertyAllowContextMenuGets or sets a value whether WebGrid's context menu is displayed when right clicked to valid object.  
public PropertyAllowDefaultStyleMergingSpecifies whether the default styles should be merged with user defined styles.  
public PropertyAllowDeleteSpecifies whether or not to allow users delete data from within WebGrid.  
public PropertyAllowEditSpecifies whether or not to allow users edit and modify data.  
public PropertyAllowExportSpecifies a value whether grid export is allowed in UI.  
public PropertyAllowFilterSpecifies whether or not to allow users filtering data from within WebGrid.  
public PropertyAllowGroupingSpecify whether grouping is allowed in client's UI.  
public PropertyAllowMultipleSelectionSpecifies whether user is allowed to perform multiple row selection using combination of Ctrl/Shift keys and mouse click.  
public PropertyAllowSelectColumnsSpecifies whether or not to allow users select columns from within WebGrid.  
public PropertyAllowSortingSpecifies whether or not to allow users sort columns from within WebGrid.  
public PropertyAlternatingColorsSpecifies whether or not to display alternate rows with AlternateRowStyle style.  
public PropertyAlternatingRowStyleGets or sets the style that is used to display alternate row.  
public PropertyAlwaysShowHelpButtonSpecifies whether Help button is always shown in WebGrid UI.  
public PropertyAlwaysUseCachedDataOnFirstLoadSpecifies whether the cached data source will always be used on first page load.  
public PropertyApplyChangesKeyGets or sets the key used to apply the row changes during editing.  
public PropertyApplyFiltersKeyGets or sets the key used to apply all filters.  
public PropertyAutoColMinWidthThe minimum width for WebGridColumn which IsAutoWidth is set to true.  
public PropertyAutoFilterSuggestionSpecifies whether a list of suggested filters based on current selection should be added to the context menu.  
public PropertyAutoFitColumnsGets or sets a value indicating whether all displayed columns's width should be fitted to grid.  
public PropertyAutoFitColumnsBufferingGets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the automatic column width calculation should be buffered.  
public PropertyAutoHeightSpecifies whether WebGrid will calculate its height automatically based on available page's height.  
public PropertyAutoWidthSpecifies whether WebGrid will calculate its width automatically based on available page's width.  
public PropertyBatchUpdateSettingsProvides settings for batch update feature.  
public PropertyButtonStyleThe style applied to the button object of WebGridColumn which Type is Button.  
public PropertyCellClickActionSpecifies the action when users click on a cell.  
public PropertyCellPaddingDefaultSpecifies the default cell padding that controls all UI element's padding.  
public PropertyCellSpacingDefaultSpecifies the default cell spacing that controls all UI element's spacing.  
public PropertyChartCustomContainerIdSpecifies the client ID of custom container for Pivot Charting, when ChartDisplayPosition is set to Custom.  
public PropertyChartDisplayPositionSpecifies the display position of the PivotChart relative to the GridView, when InitialView is set to Both.  
public PropertyCheckedRowStyleThe style applied to checked row.  
public PropertyChildRowEmptyActionGets or sets the action when loaded child table is empty (no rows).  
public PropertyChildTableSpacingGets or sets the spacing width between each child table in the same level.  
public PropertyClientSideEventsReturns ClientEvents object.  
public PropertyClientVisibleSpecifies a value indicating grid's visibility in client side.  
public PropertyColumnActionStyleThe style applied to the column action indicator.  
public PropertyColumnFooterAggregateModeGets or sets the calculation for aggregate function in Column footer.  
public PropertyColumnFootersSpecifies whether or not to display column footers.  
public PropertyColumnHeadersSpecifies whether or not to display column headers.  
public PropertyColumnSetHeadersGets or sets a value whether the columnset's headers is visible or not.  
public PropertyContextMenuAnimation  
public PropertyCultureSpecifies the culture setting for current WebGrid instance.  
public PropertyCustomFilterStringGets or sets the custom filtering string.  
public PropertyDeletedRowStyleThe style applied to deleted row in batch update mode.  
public PropertyDisplayDetailsOnUnhandledErrorGets or sets a boolean value indicating whether error details message box should be displayed immediately when unhandled error occurred.  
public PropertyEditFocusCellStyleThe style of the focused cell object.  
public PropertyEditOnClickSpecifies whether edit mode is activated when user click on cell.  
public PropertyEditTextboxStyleThe style of the cell object when in edit mode.  
public PropertyFilterBarVisibleSpecifies whether or not the filter bar will be visible initially.  
public PropertyFilterRowStyleThe style applied to the filter row.  
public PropertyFocusCellStyleGets or sets the style used when a row or cell is focused/selected.  
public PropertyFocusNewRowOnLastCellDeterminse whether WebGrid should automatically focus to new row when user pressed Tab or Right arrow key in the last cell of the last row in the table.  
public PropertyFooterStyleThe style applied to the column footer.  
public PropertyFrameStyleSpecifies the style applied to main WebGrid's frame.  
public PropertyFreezePaneSettingsContains settings related to freeze column feature.  
public PropertyGridThe Grid object that owns the LayoutSet object.  
public PropertyGridLineColorSpecifies the gridline's color.  
public PropertyGridLinesSpecifies the appearance of WebGrid's GridLines that will separate between rows and cells.  
public PropertyGridLineStyleSpecifies the gridline's style.  
public PropertyGroupByBoxGets or sets the GroupByBoxObject that is used to control the appearance of GroupBox.  
public PropertyGroupByBoxVisibleSpecifies whether or not to show group by box.  
public PropertyGroupRowInfoFormatDefaultGets or sets the default group row's format.  
public PropertyGroupRowInfoStyleGets or sets the style for GroupRow.  
public PropertyHeaderClickActionSpecifies the action when users click on column's header.  
public PropertyHeaderStyleThe style applied to the column headers.  
public PropertyHeaderWrapDefault  
public PropertyHelpURLSpecifies the client's help URL when user clicked on the Help icon. This property is application-wide configurable.  
public PropertyHideColumnsWhenGroupedSpecifies whether the column headers of grouped columns is hidden.  
public PropertyHierarchicalSpecifies whether or not WebGrid will display hierarchical data.  
public PropertyHierarchicalModeSpecifies the operation mode when the WebGrid is configured to use Hierarchical feature.  
public PropertyHyperlinkStyleThe style used for hyperlink column type.  
public PropertyImageSettingsGets or sets the ImageSettings object which is used to store the images used by WebGrid.  
public PropertyInitialViewSpecifies the initial view of WebGrid.  
public PropertyInProgressUIBehaviorSpecifies the user interface behavior when a request is in progress.  
public PropertyLostFocusRowStyleThe style applied to the selected row when the focus is out of the grid's area.  
public PropertyMarkDefaultValuesAsDirtySpecifies whether the default values in WebGridColumn should cause the new row to be marked as dirty or not.  
public PropertyMenuCssFileGets or sets the CSS file used to control the appearance of context menu. The property should only contains the file name. The location of the file resides in the same folder as ScriptFolder.  
public PropertyModifiedRowStyleThe style applied to modified row in batch update mode.  
public PropertyNewRowLostFocusActionSpecifies the action when the New Row has lose its focus while the contained cells has been changed.  
public PropertyNewRowStyleThe style applied to new row.  
public PropertyPagingDataRetrievalModeGets or sets the data retrieval mode when classic paging is used and paging load more is set to Custom.  
public PropertyPagingDetectPartialGroupRows  
public PropertyPagingExportModeSpecifies whether WebGrid should export only the current page view or the entire dataset when PagingMode is set to ClassicPaging.  
public PropertyPagingLatencyOnSlideSpecifies the time to wait (in milliseconds) before data fetching when the sliderbar of the paging UI is being dragged (changed). Only applies when PagingMode is set to ClassicPaging and PagingStyleUI is set to slider.  
public PropertyPagingLoadModeSpecifies the data paging mode when PagingMode is set to ClassicPaging. For custom data paging retrieva, please set this property to Custom.  
public PropertyPagingModeSpecifies the paging mode that control the rows retrieval behavior in WebGrid.  
public PropertyPagingSizeGets or sets the number of viewable records in a page when PagingMode is set to Classic Paging.  
public PropertyPagingSliderWidthSpecifies the slider bar width in pixel, when PagingMode is set to ClassicPaging and PagingStyleUI is set to slider.  
public PropertyPagingStyleUIGets or sets the user interface style for the paging when PagingMode is set to Classic Paging.  
public PropertyPersistRowCheckerSpecifies whether the grid should persist the rows' RowChecker state during OnTheFly postback and full postback.  
public PropertyPersistValueListOnCopySpecifies whether the cell's value should be persisted during copy and paste operation.  
public PropertyPreviewRowStyleThe style applied to preview row area.  
public PropertyPromptBeforeDeleteSpecifies whether or not to display a confirmation box before deleting a row.  
public PropertyQuickFilterBarStyleThe style applied to the quick filter bar.  
public PropertyResetNewRowValuesOnErrorDetermines whether cells value of NewRow should be reinitialized when an error occurred during AddRow server event.  
public PropertyRestoreExpandedChildRowsSpecifies whether expanded child rows should be automatically restored after FlyPostBack/FullPostBack actions.  
public PropertyRestoreRowSelectionDetermines whether WebGrid should automatically restore multiple row selection state after FlyPostBack actions.  
public PropertyRowChangedActionGets or sets the action that should be performed when user changed the selected row in WebGrid.  
public PropertyRowHeadersSpecifies whether or not to display row's header.  
public PropertyRowHeaderStyleThe style applied to the row's header.  
public PropertyRowHeaderWidthSpecifies the width of row header in Unit.  
public PropertyRowHeightDefaultSpecifies the default row height in Unit.  
public PropertyRowHighlightTypeGets or sets a value that determine the highlight type when a row is selected. This property is only applicable when CellClickAction is set to RowSelect  
public PropertyRowLostFocusActionSpecifies the action when the row has lose its focus while the contained cells has been changed.  
public PropertyRowStyleThe style used to display WebGridRow object.  
public PropertyScriptDirectoryThis property is available for backward compatibility with V3.x only. This property is linked to WebGrid.ScriptDirectory directly.  
public PropertyScrollBarStyleThe style of the grid's scrollbar.  
public PropertySelectedRowStyleThe style used to highlight selected row or cell.  
public PropertySelectFirstCellOnAddSpecifies whether the first editable cell should be focused after a successful add operation.  
public PropertyShowColumnActionSpecifies whether the action indicator should be displayed when the column in hovered.  
public PropertyShowFilterStatusSpecifies whether current filter status should be displayed in Grid's status bar.  
public PropertyShowRefreshButtonSpecifies whether the grid should display Refresh button in status bar.  
public PropertySizeHeightBySpecifies the WebGrid height's adjustment when work in AutoHeight mode.  
public PropertySizeWidthBySpecifies the WebGrid width's adjustment when work in AutoWidth mode.  
public PropertySortedColumnStyleThe style applied to the cell which column is sorted.  
public PropertyStatusBarCommandStyleThe normal, hover and active style for the command item in status bar.  
public PropertyStatusBarStyleThe style applied to the status bar.  
public PropertyStatusBarVisibleSpecifies whether or not the status bar is visible.  
public PropertyTextSettingsThis property provides convenient way to change textual settings used in WebGrid.  
public PropertyTreeLinesSpecifies whether the tree lines is shown for Hierarchical mode.  
public PropertyUseRelativePositioningSpecifies whether or not the WebGrid will use relative positioning if it is placed inside a table or container.  
public PropertyVerboseEditingInformationGets or sets a boolean value indicating whether detailed information should be shown in status bar during editing.  
public PropertyVirtualLoadModeSpecifies the WebGrid's load mechanism to retrieve and render data.  
public PropertyVirtualPageSizeSpecify the number of rows to retrieve when PagingMode is set to VirtualLoad.  

Public Methods

public MethodClone (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodCopyFromOverloaded.  (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodCustomDeserializeThis method is not intended to be called directly. It is used internally for control developers.  
public MethodCustomSerializeThis method is not intended to be called directly. It is used internally for control developers.  
public MethodDeSerializeObjectData (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodGetObjectDataOverridden. This method is not intended to be called directly. It is used internally for control developers.  
public MethodGetWebGridCultureGets the culture info setting that is used by WebGrid to format data string.  
public MethodIsEmpty (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodReset (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodSerializeObjectData (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodToString  

See Also

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