Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
AllowGrouping Property
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ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid Namespace > LayoutSet Class : AllowGrouping Property

Specify whether grouping is allowed in client's UI.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
<DescriptionAttribute("Specify whether grouping is allowed in client's UI.")>
Public Property AllowGrouping As Grouping
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As LayoutSet
Dim value As Grouping
instance.AllowGrouping = value
value = instance.AllowGrouping
[DescriptionAttribute("Specify whether grouping is allowed in client's UI.")]
public Grouping AllowGrouping {get; set;}
public read-write property AllowGrouping: Grouping; 
DescriptionAttribute("Specify whether grouping is allowed in client's UI.")
public function get,set AllowGrouping : Grouping
Managed Extensions for C++ 
[DescriptionAttribute("Specify whether grouping is allowed in client's UI.")]
public: __property Grouping get_AllowGrouping();
public: __property void set_AllowGrouping( 
   Grouping value
[DescriptionAttribute("Specify whether grouping is allowed in client's UI.")]
property Grouping AllowGrouping {
   Grouping get();
   void set (    Grouping value);


The sample code below shows you how to set the AllowGrouping property programmatically.
C#Copy Code
private void WebGrid1_InitializeLayout(object sender, ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.LayoutEventArgs e)
        e.Layout.AllowGrouping = ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.Grouping.Yes;


A column can be grouped by right clicking on the column header and clicking on Group By This Field. Alternatively, users can drag the column and drop it in GroupBox. On the other hand, Grouped column can be ungrouped by right clicking on the column header and clicking on Ungroup By This Field. Users can also ungroup a column by dragging the group column's object and drop it in Table's column headers or just drop it in any Grid's area to remove the column from view.

Please note that when WebGrid is operating in Unbound mode, all data-bound features including Grouping should not be enabled.



See Also

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