Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
AutoFilterSuggestion Property
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ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid Namespace > LayoutSet Class : AutoFilterSuggestion Property

Specifies whether a list of suggested filters based on current selection should be added to the context menu.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
<DescriptionAttribute("Specifies whether a list of suggested filters based on current selection should be added to the context menu.")>
Public Property AutoFilterSuggestion As Boolean
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As LayoutSet
Dim value As Boolean
instance.AutoFilterSuggestion = value
value = instance.AutoFilterSuggestion
[DescriptionAttribute("Specifies whether a list of suggested filters based on current selection should be added to the context menu.")]
public bool AutoFilterSuggestion {get; set;}
public read-write property AutoFilterSuggestion: Boolean; 
DescriptionAttribute("Specifies whether a list of suggested filters based on current selection should be added to the context menu.")
public function get,set AutoFilterSuggestion : boolean
Managed Extensions for C++ 
[DescriptionAttribute("Specifies whether a list of suggested filters based on current selection should be added to the context menu.")]
public: __property bool get_AutoFilterSuggestion();
public: __property void set_AutoFilterSuggestion( 
   bool value
[DescriptionAttribute("Specifies whether a list of suggested filters based on current selection should be added to the context menu.")]
property bool AutoFilterSuggestion {
   bool get();
   void set (    bool value);


New in version 5.0 is Automatic Filter Suggestion feature enabling users to easily perform data filtering based on the currently selected cell. When set to True, automatic filter suggestion will be added to Column's and Cell's context menu. This feature is best used along with Filter Status Indicator feature, which can be enabled from ShowFilterStatus property. The benefits of AutoFilterSuggestion are:

  • This feature will allow users to filter data without typing any letter in the filter bar. 
  •  AllowFiltering and FilterBar can be turned off while allowing users to perform filtering on existing data.

This feature also allows user to filter wide range of date in the column's or cell's context menu. The special date range filters are like Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday, Next Week, Next Month and so on. Therefore, this feature will boost users productivity by allowing them to quickly perform filter based on the current selected cell data.


Target Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family

See Also


LayoutSet Class
LayoutSet Members


Automatic Filter suggestion
Filtering in V5.0

Other Resources

Automatic Data Processing

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