Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
ScriptDirectory Property
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ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid Namespace > LayoutSet Class : ScriptDirectory Property

This property is available for backward compatibility with V3.x only. This property is linked to WebGrid.ScriptDirectory directly.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
<DescriptionAttribute("This property is available for backward compabitility with V3.x only. This property is linked to WebGrid.ScriptDirectory directly.")>
<CategoryAttribute("Client Script Directory")>
Public Property ScriptDirectory As String
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As LayoutSet
Dim value As String
instance.ScriptDirectory = value
value = instance.ScriptDirectory
[DescriptionAttribute("This property is available for backward compabitility with V3.x only. This property is linked to WebGrid.ScriptDirectory directly.")]
[CategoryAttribute("Client Script Directory")]
public string ScriptDirectory {get; set;}
public read-write property ScriptDirectory: String; 
DescriptionAttribute("This property is available for backward compabitility with V3.x only. This property is linked to WebGrid.ScriptDirectory directly.")
CategoryAttribute("Client Script Directory")
public function get,set ScriptDirectory : String
Managed Extensions for C++ 
[DescriptionAttribute("This property is available for backward compabitility with V3.x only. This property is linked to WebGrid.ScriptDirectory directly.")]
[CategoryAttribute("Client Script Directory")]
public: __property string* get_ScriptDirectory();
public: __property void set_ScriptDirectory( 
   string* value
[DescriptionAttribute("This property is available for backward compabitility with V3.x only. This property is linked to WebGrid.ScriptDirectory directly.")]
[CategoryAttribute("Client Script Directory")]
property String^ ScriptDirectory {
   String^ get();
   void set (    String^ value);


This property shows you the path where all required scripts for the control are stored. By default, all required scripts for the control are stored in CommonLibrary folder ([Program Files]Intersoft Solutions/CommonLibrary). Users can use this property to customized the path of ScriptDirectory. Developers can easily deploy web applications along with Intersoft's products by copying only "CommonLibrary" folder to the production server. The CommonLibrary need to be mapped as IIS Virtual Directory in production server.

In WebGrid.NET V5.0 the required scripts and images for the control at runtime are embedded in single assembly of WebGrid's SmartWebResources. By default, Intersoft 2007 product platform has the SmartWebResources set to Automatic mode. This mode mode ensures compatibility with existing web application when developers migrated to 2007 platform, while at the same time attempting to utilize SmartWebResources in new web application whenever possible.


Target Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family

See Also


LayoutSet Class
LayoutSet Members


How-to: Configure SmartWebResources in a new web application
How-to: Disable SmartWebResources for Localization's language files
How-to: Set ScriptDirectory and SharedScriptDirectory
FAQ: Briefly, what are the files included in WebGrid SmartWebResources Assembly?
FAQ: Does SmartWebResources feature automatically enabled in WebGrid.NET Enterprise 5.0?


Hassle-free deployment through SmartWebResources™ technology

Other Resources

About Localization Files
SmartWebReources modes

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