Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
Save current Layout
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Intersoft WebGrid > Learning More > Working with Designer > Layout Manager > Save current Layout

Glossary Item Box

Developers can save the current layout of WebGrid into *.isl file. Therefore, it could be retrieved easily in the future.

Here are step by step procedures :

  1. Try to modify the RowStyle BackColor into 'Ivory' using WebGrid.NET Designer.

    This style will be saved into an *.isl file.

  2. In the Visual Studio .NET IDE, right-click an instance of WebGrid and choose WebGrid.NET Designer. Pay attention to the 5 sections at the top : "Quick Start", "Advanced", "Layout Manager", "Structure Manager" and "Localization Manager". When Layout Manager section is clicked, developers will be presented with below snapshot:

  3. Click the 'Save' button in order to save the grid's current layout into a file.

  4. Try to open the saved *.isl file using a Text Editor. Notice that the modified RowStyle is saved into the file.


See Also

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