Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
Grouping Data
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Intersoft WebGrid > WebGrid Features Overview > Grouping Data

Glossary Item Box

This topic provides an overview of grouping feature in WebGrid.

This topic contains the following sections:

Enable Grouping

To enable grouping in WebGrid, you only need to set the AllowGrouping property to Yes. Data can be grouped by right clicking on the column header and clicking on Group By This Field. Alternatively, you can drag the column and drop it in GroupBox. As default, GroupedColumn would be sorted in Ascending. You can also use Multiple group in this feature.

Group Intervals

The built-in Grouping capability in WebGrid has been one of its key successor, which automatically handles rows grouping based on specified Columns' value. The Enterprise edition extends this feature by allowing the grouping to be performed on different Group Interval, instead of the Column's Value. There are about 8 new Group Interval modes that you can apply to the GroupColumn such as Text, Alphabetical, Date, Month, ShortTime and so on. As always, you can apply these GroupIntervals visually in the designer and does not require you to write any codes in order to make it work. This greatly increases your application's value by delivering better grouping capability to end users while saving development time with its capability to use designer. 

GroupIntervals Description
Value The GroupRow will be grouped by GroupRow's value
Text The GroupRow will be grouped by GroupRow's text
Alphabetical The GroupRow will be grouped according Alphabetical order
Date The GroupRow will be grouped base on Date
Month The GroupRow will be grouped base on Month
Year The GroupRow will be grouped base on Year
Hour The GroupRow will be grouped base on Hour
Minute The GroupRow will be grouped base on Minute
ShortTime The GroupRow will be grouped base on ShortTime
Quarterly The GroupRow will be grouped base on Quarterly
NamedPeriod The GroupRow will be grouped base on NamedPeriod
Unlike other products, the GroupInterval feature in WebGrid works perfectly in any combinations of different modes specified in each level of GroupColumn object. For instance, you can have ContactName grouped with Alphabetical mode then followed by Country with Text mode, and so on. Technically, the WebGrid internal system automatically sorts each of the specified mode and performs the grouping in incremental method resulting in excellent performance.

Another improvement to the grouping feature is the ability to customize the GroupMode and GroupRowFormatString of each level of group columns. The GroupMode enables you to specify which level of group column that will be expanded or collapsed initially, and the GroupRowFormatString allows you to specify different string formatting for each level of the group columns.

Here is a screenshot of the GroupInterval feature:

For further information, please read Walkthrough: Using Group Intervals in WebGrid.

Predefined Group Column

To set which column that you want to be grouped, you need to set in GroupedColumns property. Then, specify ColumnMember property. For more information, please read How-to: Group column initially.

Example Copy Code
       <ISWebGrid:WebGridGroup ColumnMember="Country" GroupMode="Collapsed"
SortOrder="Ascending" />

There are others additional properties in GroupedColumns such as:




Specify if the group column text is case sensitive or not


Specify interval in group column


Specify the group mode in Collapsed or Expanded ( as default set as Collapsed)


Specify the string format for the group row’s value


Specify the sort order for the group column. (as default set as Ascending)

Automatic Group Total Update

WebGrid is the first ASP.NET DataGrid that introduces rich data display features, such as grouping with built-in aggregation. In addition, WebGrid also allows developers to show GroupTotal in the data display. When enabled, every group will show a total row at the end of its group. This allows you to easily review the aggregate results of each column, per that group. For further information, please read (link Data Aggregation).

Grouping Value List

As explained in other topics, WebGrid also supports Valuelist. For grouping, normally it will group and show based its value (id). To have the valuelist result, simply set GroupInterval property as Text in WebGridColumn.

Example Copy Code
<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="CategoryID" DataMember="CategoryID" DataType="System.Int32"
                        Name="CategoryID" Width="100px" GroupInterval="Text"
                        <ValueList DataMember="DefaultView" DataSourceID="AccessDataSource2"
                            DataTextField="CategoryName" DataValueField="CategoryID">

GroupRow Paging Support

WebGrid now supports group row paging when used together with VirtualLoad™ mode. The group row paging significantly improves overall performance by loading only a small number of records (specified in GroupRowPageSize property) when you expands the group header.

For more information, please read How-to: Enable Virtual Group Row Paging.

See Also

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