Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
Walkthrough: Creating unbound WebGrid with Hierarchical enabled
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Intersoft WebGrid > Getting Started > Samples and Walkthroughs > WebGrid Walkthroughs > Walkthrough: Creating unbound WebGrid with Hierarchical enabled

Glossary Item Box

This walkthrough shows you how to create unbound hierarchical WebGrid.

During this walkthrough, you will learn how to do the following:


In order to complete this walkthrough, you will need the following:

  • Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010 Application.

 Step-By-Step Instructions

  1. Launch Visual Studio.NET 2008.
  2. Click on File menu, then select New and click Project.
  3. Select Visual C# Project in Project Types.
  4. Select ASP.NET Web Application in the Template box.
  5. Specify the Project's Location and click OK.
  6. Drag WebGrid instance into WebForm.
  7. Right click on WebGrid instance and choose WebGrid.NET Designer.
  8. Go to Advanced tabRootTable, set DataMember and Caption to Authors.
  9. Checked Table Header Visible checkbox in Basic Properties expandable panel. 
  10. Focus to Columns and add 3 columns (AuthorID, LastName and FirstName).

  11. In ChildTables add one table and name it "Books".
  12. Checked Table Header Visible checkbox in Basic Properties expandable panel.
  13. Focus to Columns and add 4 columns (TitleID, Title, Type, and Price) to this table.

  14. Set the Price's DataType to "System.Double" and DataFormatString to "c".
  15. In Page_Load server side event, add these codes to setup RootTable and the ChildTable
C# Copy ImageCopy Code
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)    
   body.Style.Add("overflow", "hidden");

   /* setup root rows and add them to RootTable */

   WebGridRow[] rootRows = new WebGridRow[6];

   for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++)            
      rootRows[i] = WebGrid1.RootTable.CreateRow();

   rootRows[0].Cells.SetItemData(new string[] { "172-32-1176", "White", "Johnson" });
   rootRows[1].Cells.SetItemData(new string[] { "213-46-8915", "Green", "Marjorie" });        
   rootRows[2].Cells.SetItemData(new string[] { "238-95-7766", "Carson", "Cheryl" });        
   rootRows[3].Cells.SetItemData(new string[] { "267-41-2394", "O'Leary", "Michael" });        
   rootRows[4].Cells.SetItemData(new string[] { "274-80-9391", "Straight", "Dean" });        
   rootRows[5].Cells.SetItemData(new string[] { "341-22-1782", "Smith", "Meander" });


   /* - create child rows and add them to the parent row in the RootTable         
    * - in this sample, the second row in the root is not expandable         
    * - first row is expanded programmatically         
    * - all expandable rows should have at least one child row and the SetHierarchicalType()         
    *   must be set to the Children collection.        

   WebGridTable childTable = WebGrid1.RootTable.ChildTables[0];        
   WebGridRow[] childRows = new WebGridRow[11];

   for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)            
      childRows[i] = childTable.CreateRow();
   childRows[0].Cells.SetItemData(new object[] { "BU1032", "The Busy Executive's Database Guide", "Business", 19.99 });
   childRows[1].Cells.SetItemData(new object[] { "BU1111", "Cooking with Computers: Surreptitious Balance Sheets", "Business", 11.95 });        
   childRows[2].Cells.SetItemData(new object[] { "BU2075", "You Can Combat Computer Stress!", "Business", 2.99 });        
   childRows[3].Cells.SetItemData(new object[] { "BU7832", "Straight Talk About Computers", "Business", 19.99 });        
   childRows[4].Cells.SetItemData(new object[] { "MC2222", "Silicon Valley Gastronomic Treats", "Cooking", 19.99 });        
   childRows[5].Cells.SetItemData(new object[] { "MC3021", "The Gourmet Microwave", "Cooking", 14.95 });        
   childRows[6].Cells.SetItemData(new object[] { "MC3026", "The Psychology of Computer Cooking", "Undecided", 10.29 });        
   childRows[7].Cells.SetItemData(new object[] { "PC1035", "But Is It User Friendly?", "Popular Computer", 11.05 });        
   childRows[8].Cells.SetItemData(new object[] { "PC8888", "Secrets of Silicon Valley", "Popular Computer", 24.99 });        
   childRows[9].Cells.SetItemData(new object[] { "PC9999", "Net Etiquette", "Popular Computer", 9.49 });        
   childRows[10].Cells.SetItemData(new object[] { "PS1372", "Computer Phobic AND Non-Phobic Individuals: Behavior Variations", "Psychology", 14.69 });

   rootRows[0].Children.AddRange(new WebGridRow[] { childRows[0], childRows[1], childRows[2] });        

   rootRows[1].ChildNotExpandable = true;

   rootRows[2].Children.AddRange(new WebGridRow[] { childRows[3], childRows[4] });
   rootRows[3].Children.AddRange(new WebGridRow[] { childRows[5], childRows[6] });

   rootRows[4].Children.AddRange(new WebGridRow[] { childRows[7], childRows[8] });

   rootRows[5].Children.AddRange(new WebGridRow[] { childRows[9], childRows[10] });    

Here is the result :

See Also

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