Intersoft ClientUI Documentation
Intersoft.Client.UI.DataVisualization Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassAdditionalGridLine Represent Class for Additional Grid Line
ClassAdditionalGridLineCollection Represents a dynamic data collection that provides notifications when items get added, removed, or when the entire list is refreshed for Additional Grid Line Collection
ClassAlternatingGridLineStyleSelector Represent tyle selector for Alternating Grid Line.
ClassAreaDataPoint Represents a data point used for a area series.
ClassAreaSeries Represents a control that contains a data series to be rendered in X/Y line format.
ClassArrayIntConverter Converts a string or base value to a int[] value.
ClassAxis An axis class used to determine the plot area coordinate of values.
ClassAxisLabel A label used to display data in an axis.
ClassBarDataPoint Represents a data point used for a bar series.
ClassBarSeries Represents a control that contains a data series to be rendered in bar format.
ClassBubbleDataPoint Represents a data point used for a bubble series.
ClassBubbleSeries Represents a control that contains a data series to be rendered in X/Y line format. A third binding determines the size of the data point.
ClassCategoryAxis An axis that displays categories.
ClassCircularDataPointBase Represents a data point base used for a series that inherit from circular series.
ClassCircularLabel Represents a data label used for a circular data point.
ClassCircularSeries This series serves as the base class for the Pie and doughnut series.
ClassCircularSeries<T> This series serves as the base class for the Pie and doughnut series.
ClassCollapsibleDataPointSingleSeriesWithAxes Represents a dynamic series with axes and only one legend item and style for all data points and can be collapsed.
ClassColumnBarDataPointBase Represents a data point used for base of column and bar series.
ClassColumnBarSeriesBase This series serves as the base class for the column and bar series.
ClassColumnBarSeriesBase<T> This series serves as the base class for the column and bar series.
ClassColumnDataPoint Represents a data point used for a column series.
ClassColumnSeries Represents a control that contains a data series to be rendered in column format.
ClassDataAnnotation Represent content control class for data annotation
ClassDataLabel Represents a data label used for a data point.
ClassDataPoint Represents a control that displays a data point.
ClassDataPointObject Represent class of data point object
ClassDataPointSeries Represents a control that contains a dynamic data series.
ClassDataPointSeriesWithAxes Represents a dynamic series that uses axes to display data points.
ClassDataPointSingleSeriesWithAxes A dynamic series with axes and only one legend item and style for all data points.
ClassDateTimeAxis An axis that displays numeric values.
ClassDateTimeAxisLabel An axis label for displaying DateTime values.
ClassDefinitionSeries Implements a series that is defined by one or more instances of the DefinitionSeries class.
ClassDefinitionSeriesItem Represent class DefinitionSeriesItem
ClassDelegatingItemsControl Represent control for DelegatingItemsControl
ClassDisplayAxis An axis that has a range.
ClassDoughnutDataPoint Represents a data point used for a doughnut series.
ClassDoughnutSeries Represents a control that contains a data series to be rendered in Doughnut format.
ClassEdgePanel Defines an area where you can arrange child elements either horizontally or vertically, relative to each other.
ClassGridLine Represent Control Class GridLine
ClassLegend Represents an Class used by a Series for Legend of a Chart.
ClassLegendItem Represents an item used by a Series in the Legend of a Chart.
ClassLinearAxis An axis that displays numeric values.
ClassLineAreaBaseSeries<T> A base class that contains methods used by both the line and area series.
ClassLineAreaDataPointBase Represents a data point used for a line and area series.
ClassLineAreaSeriesBase A base class that contains methods used by both the line and area series.
ClassLineDataPoint Represents a data point used for a line series.
ClassLineSeries Represents a control that contains a data series to be rendered in X/Y line format.
ClassNullableConverter<T> Converts a string or base value to a System.Nullable value.
ClassNumericAxis An axis that displays numeric values.
ClassNumericAxisLabel A label used to display numeric axis values.
ClassPalette Represent class for pallete
ClassPieDataPoint Represents a data point used for a pie series.
ClassPieSeries Represents a control that contains a data series to be rendered in pie format.
ClassPointExtensions Represent extension class for Point
ClassPolarAxis An axis that displays numeric values.
ClassPolarDataPoint Represents a data point used for a polar series.
ClassPolarSeries Represents a control that contains a data series to be rendered in polar format.
ClassRadarAxis Represent An axis that displays numeric values.
ClassRadarDataPoint Represents a data point used for a radar series.
ClassRadarPolarAxisBase Represent base class for Radar and polar axis
ClassRadarPolarSeriesBase This series serves as the base class for the Radar and Polar series.
ClassRadarPolarSeriesBase<T> This series serves as the base class for the Radar and Polar series.
ClassRadarSeries This series serves as the base class for the Radar and Polar series.
ClassRangeAxis An axis that has a range.
ClassRangeScrollBar Represents a control that allows user to select a value within a specific range by moving two UXThumb controls along a track.
ClassResourceDictionaryCollection Represents a collection of ResourceDictionary objects.
ClassScatterDataPoint Represents a data point used for a scatter series.
ClassScatterSeries Represents a control that contains a data series to be rendered in X/Y scatter format.
ClassSeries Represents a control that contains a data series.
ClassSeriesDefinition Defines the attributes of a series that is to be rendered by the DefinitionSeries class.
ClassSplineAreaSeries Represents a control that contains a data series to be rendered in X/Y smooth line area format.
ClassSplineSeries Represents a control that contains a data series to be rendered in X/Y smooth line format.
ClassStacked100AreaSeries Control that displays values as a 100% stacked area chart visualization.
ClassStacked100BarSeries Control that displays values as a 100% stacked bar chart visualization.
ClassStacked100ColumnSeries Represent Control that displays values as a 100% stacked column chart visualization.
ClassStacked100LineSeries Control that displays values as a 100% stacked line chart visualization.
ClassStackedAreaSeries Represent Control that displays values as a stacked area chart visualization.
ClassStackedBarSeries Represent Control that displays values as a stacked bar chart visualization.
ClassStackedColumnBarSeriesBase Control base class for displaying values as a stacked bar/column chart visualization.
ClassStackedColumnSeries Represent Control that displays values as a stacked column chart visualization.
ClassStackedLineAreaSeriesBase Control base class for displaying values as a stacked area/line chart visualization.
ClassStackedLineSeries Represent Control that displays values as a stacked line chart visualization.
ClassStepAreaSeries Represents a control that contains a data series to be rendered in X/Y step line area format.
ClassStepLineSeries Represents a control that contains a data series to be rendered in X/Y step line format.
ClassStringFormatConverter Converts a value to a string using a format string.
ClassTitle Represents the title of a data visualization control.
ClassToolTip Represents a popup control with intuitive animation and placements.
ClassUXChartCommands Represent class for UXChart commands
ClassUXChartDrillDownCommandArgs Represent command class for chart drill down
ClassZoomPanel Represent class for Zoom panel
InterfaceIAnchoredToOrigin Range axes look for this interface on series to determine whether to anchor the origin to the bottom or top of the screen where possible.
InterfaceIAxis An axis interface used to determine the plot area coordinate of values.
InterfaceIAxisListener An object that listens for changes in an axis.
InterfaceICategoryAxis An axis that is arranged by category.
InterfaceIDataConsumer An object that consumes data.
InterfaceIDataPoint Represents interface for data point
InterfaceIDataProvider Provides information to a category axis.
InterfaceIRangeAxis An axis with a range.
InterfaceIRangeConsumer An object that consumes a range.
InterfaceIRangeProvider Provides information to a RangeConsumer.
InterfaceIRequireGlobalSeriesIndex Defines methods on classes that contain a global index.
InterfaceIRequireSeriesHost An object that implements this interface requires a series host.
InterfaceIResourceDictionaryDispenser Represents a service that dispenses ResourceDictionaries.
InterfaceISelectableSeries Represent interface for selectable series
InterfaceISeries Represents a series in a chart.
InterfaceISeriesHost Defines properties, methods and events for classes that host a collection of Series objects.
InterfaceISplineSeries Represents interface of spline series
InterfaceISupportZoom Represent interface for class supporting zoom
InterfaceIValueMarginConsumer Consumes value margins and uses them to lay out objects.
InterfaceIValueMarginProvider Provides information about margins necessary for values.
InterfaceIZoomPanelHost Represents interface for Zoom Panel host
StructureRange<T> Represent class of range that can be compared
StructureRenderPoint Represent struct for RenderPoint
StructureUnitValue A value in units.
StructureValueMargin A margin specified for a given value.
EnumerationAnimationSequence Specifies the supported animation sequences.
EnumerationAxisLocation Axis position.
EnumerationAxisOrientation Specifies the orientation of an axis.
EnumerationAxisType Enum for determine Axis type
EnumerationBorderStyle Style for Border
EnumerationCategorySortOrder The sort order to use when sorting categories.
EnumerationChartPosition Specifies value that determines the chart element position.
EnumerationDataLabelPosition Describes the position a data label.
EnumerationDataPointState Describes the state a data point is in.
EnumerationDateTimeIntervalType A date time interval.
EnumerationEdge Specifies the edge position of a child element that is inside an EdgePanel.
EnumerationLineMode Enum for radar/polar axis grid lines mode
EnumerationPaletteOrder Specifies order of pallete
EnumerationPaletteType Specifies type of pallete
EnumerationRadarPolarGridLineMode Specifies the grid line type for radar and polar series.
EnumerationSeriesSelectionMode Specifies mode for selecting data point
EnumerationSeriesType Specifies type of series
EnumerationUnit Units of measure.
EnumerationZoomAction Determine Zoom Action
EnumerationZoomMode Types of Zoom Mode
EnumerationZoomScrollBarVisibility Zoom Scroll Visibility
See Also


Intersoft.Client.UI.DataVisualization Assembly

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