Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
ClientSideAction Class Members
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ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid Namespace : ClientSideAction Class

The following tables list the members exposed by ClientSideAction.

Public Constructors

public ConstructorClientSideAction ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the ClientSideAction class.  

Public Methods

public MethodAddStringGets add string data to the xml response's output, which is useful to pass info from server to client. This methods can only be used in custom action. (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)
public MethodAddStyle (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)
public MethodAlertGets or sets the alert message box using ClientAction on the WebGrid. (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)
public MethodDisplayErrorBoxGets or sets the error box using ClientSideAction on the WebGrid.  
public MethodExcludeControlFromUpdate (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)
public MethodFixSemiColon (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)
public MethodGetActionThis function is not intended to be called directly. It is used internally for control developers. (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)
public MethodHasActionSpecifies whether the grid currently has the focus. (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)
public MethodHideGets or sets hide function using ClientSideAction on the WebGrid. (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)
public MethodInvalidateIntersoftControl (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)
public MethodInvalidateIntersoftControlTemplate (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)
public MethodInvokeMethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)
public MethodInvokeScriptOverloaded.  (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)
public MethodMarkDirty (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)
public MethodMarkTypeAsContainer (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)
public MethodNavigateToGets or sets navigation to specific page using ClientAction on the WebGrid. (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)
public MethodOpenWindowGets or sets open window function using ClientAction on the WebGrid. (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)
public MethodRefreshGets or sets the refresh action to the grid. This method will refresh only the data.  
public MethodRefreshAllGets or sets the full refresh action to the grid. This method will refresh the whole grid, including the grid structure.  
public MethodRefreshChildTableGets the refresh function to child table using ClientAction on the WebGrid.  
public MethodRefreshModifiedControlsGets the refresh multiple modified control automatically using ClientSideAction on the WebGrid. (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)
public MethodRenderControlGets the refresh individual control using ClientSideAction on the WebGrid. (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)
public MethodSetFocusSets the focus to this grid. (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)
public MethodSetStatusSet the status of WebGrid which will be displayed in the status bar  
public MethodSetStyleOverloaded.  (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)
public MethodSetValueSet the value of another webcontrol during ontheflypostback. (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)
public MethodShowGets or sets show function using ClientSideAction on the WebGrid. (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)
public MethodUpdateViewState (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.BaseClientSideAction)

See Also

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