Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
ViewStateStorage Property
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ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid Namespace > WebGrid Class : ViewStateStorage Property

Gets or sets the location to store the viewstate of this control.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
<BindableAttribute(Bindable=True, Direction=BindingDirection.OneWay)>
<CategoryAttribute("View State Settings")>
<DescriptionAttribute("Gets or sets the location to store the viewstate of this control.")>
Public Overridable Property ViewStateStorage As ISNet.WebUI.StateCacheStorage
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As WebGrid
Dim value As ISNet.WebUI.StateCacheStorage
instance.ViewStateStorage = value
value = instance.ViewStateStorage
[BindableAttribute(Bindable=true, Direction=BindingDirection.OneWay)]
[CategoryAttribute("View State Settings")]
[DescriptionAttribute("Gets or sets the location to store the viewstate of this control.")]
public virtual ISNet.WebUI.StateCacheStorage ViewStateStorage {get; set;}
public read-write property ViewStateStorage: ISNet.WebUI.StateCacheStorage; virtual; 
BindableAttribute(Bindable=, Direction=BindingDirection.OneWay)
CategoryAttribute("View State Settings")
DescriptionAttribute("Gets or sets the location to store the viewstate of this control.")
public function get,set ViewStateStorage : ISNet.WebUI.StateCacheStorage
Managed Extensions for C++ 
[BindableAttribute(Bindable=true, Direction=BindingDirection.OneWay)]
[CategoryAttribute("View State Settings")]
[DescriptionAttribute("Gets or sets the location to store the viewstate of this control.")]
public: __property virtual ISNet.WebUI.StateCacheStorage get_ViewStateStorage();
public: __property virtual void set_ViewStateStorage( 
   ISNet.WebUI.StateCacheStorage value
[BindableAttribute(Bindable=true, Direction=BindingDirection.OneWay)]
[CategoryAttribute("View State Settings")]
[DescriptionAttribute("Gets or sets the location to store the viewstate of this control.")]
virtual property ISNet.WebUI.StateCacheStorage ViewStateStorage {
   ISNet.WebUI.StateCacheStorage get();
   void set (    ISNet.WebUI.StateCacheStorage value);


In WebGrid.NEt V5.0 the ViewState can be saved in Server's Cache, Session, Client, or FileServer. This features enables all Grid's properties to be saved and restored properly in both OnTheFly-PostBack and Full-PostBack invoked by other controls.

By default, the view state is enabled and stored in page’s cache (controlled by this property). The cache will be expired in 1 hour after inactivity. When the viewstate is stored in cache, it will not produce large __VIEWSTATE field in clientside and hence increasing performance up to 50% and reduced server’s resources.


Target Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family

See Also

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