Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
Walkthrough: Adding RowChecker in GroupRow
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This walkthrough shows you how to Add RowChecker column in GroupRow. If you expand a child row and click a RowChecker, all of the expanded rows will be checked.

During this walkthrough, you will learn how to do the following :


In order to complete this walkthrough, you will need the following:

  • Access to the Microsoft Access Northwind database.
  • Visual Studio 2005 Application.

 Step-By-Step Instructions

To add RowChecker in GroupRow.

  1. Add RowChecker column in WebGrid.
  2. Invoke OnGroupColumn client side event.

    JavaScript Copy Code
    function OnColumnGroup()
    window.setTimeout(function() {ChangeRowCheckerBehaviour();}, 1000);

  3. Create a function called ChangeRowCheckerBehaviour().

    JavaScript Copy Code
    function ChangeRowCheckerBehaviour()
    var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1");
    var index = grid.RootTable.GroupedColumns.length;

    var headerColumns = grid.RootTable.GetElement(WG40.COLHEADERGROUP, WG40.HTMLTABLE).childNodes[0];
    var headerRowCheckerColumn = headerColumns.childNodes[index + 1];
    var checkboxRowChecker = headerRowCheckerColumn.childNodes[0].childNodes[0];
    Listener.Add(checkboxRowChecker, "onclick", function() {SelectiveCheckBoxHeaderClick(checkboxRowChecker);} );

  4. Create a function called SelectiveCheckBoxHeaderClick(el).

    JavaScript Copy Code
    function SelectiveCheckBoxHeaderClick(el)
    var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1");
    var gridBody = grid.RootTable.GetElement(WG40.BODY, WG40.HTMLTABLE);

    var groupIndex = -1;
    var expanded = false;

    for (i = 1 ; i < gridBody.childNodes.length ; i++)
    var rowEl = gridBody.childNodes[i].childNodes[0];

    if (rowEl.type == "GroupHeader")
    if (rowEl.expanded == "True")
    groupIndex = rowEl.groupIndex;
    expanded = true;
    expanded = false;
    else if (rowEl.type == "Record")
    if (expanded && rowEl.parentGroupIndex == groupIndex)
    var row = wgGetRowByElement(rowEl);
    if (el.checked)

See Also

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