How to eliminate the filtering in webcombo and set the row dinamically

5 replies. Last post: September 18, 2013 1:59 AM by Bernard Xiang
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Hi to all,

i have 2 questions about a webcombo that i use to show all the contacts of a department.

1- There is a possibility to eliminate the filtering of the webcombo?

The combo for default should show the first contact of the department (i developed this part) but if i try to open the combo for choose another contact the combo don't show all the contacts but only the default contact ( because it filtering about the data insert in the text of the combo, infact if don't insert data in the text of the combo, the combo show all the contacts ).

I try to make a workaround : i define a method that clear the combo after the dropdown list was open (in this way i see all the contacts) but it works if i use the mouse to open the combo, but not work if i try to open the combo with the down key

function WebComboContact_OnShowDropDown()
var combo = ISGetObject("WebComboContact");

2 - there are the possibility to set the row of the combo dynamically: if i have a department with 10 contacts the combo show the 10 contacts, if i have a department with 1 contact the combo show only one contact

This is a part of the code of my combo

DataSet Definition

<isdatasource:isdatasource id="ISContact" runat="server" enablecaching="No"
<ISDataSource:ISDataSourceTable SelectMethod="GetData"

<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="speedy_departmentid" QueryStringField="speedy_departmentid"
Type="String" />

WebCombo Define

<ISWebCombo:WebCombo ID="WebComboContact" runat="server" DataMember="FilteredContact"
DataSourceID="ISContact" DataTextField="FullName" DataValueField="Contactid"
Height="20px" UseDefaultStyle="True" Width="200px">
<FlyPostBackSettings PostControlState="False" PostViewState="False"/>
<LayoutSettings StatusBoxVisible="False" TextBoxMode="Editable"
AlwaysShowAllRowsOnDropdown="True" ResultBoxWindowType="Normal">
<ClientSideEvents OnShowDropDown="WebComboContact_OnShowDropDown" />

Column define

<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Contacts" DataMember="speedy_contactid" EditType="WebComboNET"
Name="contactid" Width="150px" WebComboID="WebComboContact">
<ValueList DataMember="FilteredContact" DataSourceID="ISContact" DataTextField="FullName"

Thanks in advance


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