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Jim Dresser Member
of 2

When will an hot fix for WebGrid 8 be released? 
Posted: April 3, 2017 10:33 PM
What about WebGrid 8?     Same issue - you can't edit cells using FireFox 52.

Posted: May 16, 2016 1:11 PM
Intersoft, When is this going to be fixed? Please give me a date because I need to inform my management. This issue was first reported back in August 2015, and here it is, May 2016, and it's not fixed yet. I'm currently using WebGrid 8.0.7200.260, and WebUI version 3.0.5000.974. (The latest versions currently avaible for download). Please fix this. Jim
Posted: April 28, 2016 11:43 AM
Any Update ???
Posted: April 25, 2016 1:52 PM
Any Update on this issue, it's been a few weeks.... I've got the same problem using WebUI version 3.0.5000.972 and WebGrid version 8.0.7200.260 IE Version 11.0.9600.18282 Display intranet sites in Compatibilty View is checked. Thanks, Jim
Posted: May 28, 2015 5:04 PM

Please do a better job informing end users when there are issues like this.

I just had the same issue with Chrome. Thinking that you might have updated a dll file, I went to the ProductUpdate page (   But, according to this page, I am using the 'latest' dlls......

So instead of seeing the hot fixes listed on the ProductUpdate page, I have to dig around in the forums, trying to find someone else that has the same issue.  What a pain, and what a waste of time.....  What a poor way to keep your users informed.....

Please add every hotfix to the top of the ProductUpdates page.   You can put a warning on them if you want, but please add links to download the hotfixes, and list what each hotfix should fix.

Rochester, NY
Posted: July 5, 2012 8:50 AM
Thanks Bernard, but clicking on your attachment give me a page not found error.
Posted: July 3, 2012 2:40 PM
Thanks Bernard, We're getting very close. There's just one more issue. Load some data into the editor on Page_Load, like this: (add this to your sample code above)

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)    {
      if (!Page.IsPostBack)
        WebTextEditor1.Content = "Hello World";

Then, using Internet Explorer (I'm using IE9), view the page. you will see that the data is loaded into the WebText Editor. Then, without clicking in the WebTextEditor (to move the cursor to a different insertion point), click on the 'my Symbols' dropdown and insert any special character. You will get a javascript error. (Error: Unable to get value of the property 'text': object is null or undefined)

This error does not happen if you move the insertion point by clicking anywhere in the 'Hello World' text, and it does not happen if you are using FireFox.

Any idea on this issue? Again, thank you for all your help.
Posted: July 2, 2012 9:01 AM
Hi Bernard,

Thank you very much for the code, but it only works in Internet Explorer.  If you use FireFox or Chrome, nothing gets inserted when you click on my symbols.

Any ideas?
Posted: June 29, 2012 11:28 AM
Since I really don't want to use the Custom Pane to do this, I thought that I'd try a different approach....

In Code behind, when the WebTextEditor is initialized, I'm adding my own dropdown, and adding my own items to the dropdown. This displays great. But how do I add an event to my items, so that when the user selects an item from my dropdown, that code is called to insert that item into the editor?


protected void WebTextEditor1_InitializeToolBar(object sender, ISNet.WebUI.WebTextEditor.WebTextEditorToolBarArgs e)    {
      WebTextEditorToolBar tb = e.GetToolBarByCategory(WebTextEditorToolBarCategory.Standard);
      if (tb != null)
        WebTextEditorToolCommandCollection commands = tb.ToolCommands;
        WebTextEditorToolCommand cmdNew = new WebTextEditorToolCommand();
        cmdNew.Name = "cmdJim";
        cmdNew.Text = "Jims Symbols";
        cmdNew.Type = WebTextEditorToolBarCommandType.DropDownButton;
        cmdNew.DisplayMode = WebTextEditorToolBarCommandDisplayMode.Image;
        cmdNew.Image = "./images/other/smiley5.gif";  // use any image for now....
        WebTextEditorToolItem aa = new WebTextEditorToolItem();
        aa.Text = "≥";
        aa.Name = "Greater Than or Equal";
        aa.DisplayMode = WebTextEditorToolBarCommandDisplayMode.Text;
        WebTextEditorToolItem bb = new WebTextEditorToolItem();
        bb.Text = "≤";
        bb.Name = "Less Than or Equal";
        WebTextEditorToolItem cc = new WebTextEditorToolItem();
        cc.Text = "λ";
        cc.Name = "Lambda";

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