Javascript "Object required" error embedding WebScheduler in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

4 replies. Last post: July 14, 2010 11:31 PM by Glenn Layaar
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Hi all,

I found a problem embedding the WebScheduler in Microsoft Dynamics CRM: the WebScheduler is integrated as show in attached picture embed.png. The problem arise when the WebScheduler is visualized and I click one of the links on the left to go to another place in the CRM application. In such case an error appear from the WebSCheduler Javascript code, the error message says "Object required", and using the debugger I see that the code that gives the error is

var vff099 =v8e614.rows[0].cells[0]

From my investigation I see that object v8e614 is created with code

var v8e614 =vc2b33.GetSchedulerHeader();

but v8e614 is null.

From the call stack i see that the error appear in the destruction phase of the WebScheduler, you can see in the attached image Visual_Studio_Debug.png.

I tryed to reproduce the error using a simpler environment than CRM, but I was not able to do it so I cant provide you a test case, but i want to ask you if it possible to investigate on the code that arise the error, and if it possible to add a check on object v8e614, like:

var v8e614 =vc2b33.GetSchedulerHeader();
if (v8e614) {
  var vff099 =v8e614.rows[0].cells[0];

Thanks in advance,


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