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I am trying to create webcombo dynamically from code behind because I do not know how many webcombos there will be on the page. I bind data from client side. Here is the code on client. I got error at combo.Render().
<asp:Panel ID="pnlDynamic" runat="server"></asp:Panel>
function BindWebCombo() { var webComboTable = new ISDataTable(); var keyColumn = new ISDataColumn(webComboTable); var textColumn = new ISDataColumn(webComboTable); webComboTable.Name = webComboTable.TableName = "TaxCodesDesc"; keyColumn.Name = keyColumn.ColumnName = "Key"; textColumn.DataType = "System.Int32"; textColumn.Name = textColumn.ColumnName = "Value"; textColumn.DataType = "System.String"; webComboTable.Columns.Add(keyColumn); webComboTable.Columns.Add(textColumn); for (var j = 0; j < 100; j++) { var dataRow = webComboTable.NewRow(); dataRow.Cells.GetNamedItem("Key").Value = j; dataRow.Cells.GetNamedItem("Value").Value = "item" + j.toString(); webComboTable.Rows.Add(dataRow); } for (var i = 1; i <= webComboCount; i++) { combo = ISGetObject("WebCombo" + i.toString()); combo.SetDataSource(webComboTable); combo.DataBind(); combo.Render(); combo.ShowDropDown(); } }
Here is code to create the web combo dynamically in code behind. Same webcombo setting works when setting statically.
protected void CreateWebCombo(int webComboCount) { for (int i = 1; i <= webComboCount; i++) { WebCombo combo = new WebCombo("WebCombo" + i.ToString()); combo.BindingOperationMode = ISNet.WebUI.BindingMode.ClientBinding; combo.DataValueField = "Key"; combo.DataTextField = "Value"; WebComboColumn comboColumn = new WebComboColumn("Description"); comboColumn.BaseFieldName = "Value"; comboColumn.DataType = "System.String"; comboColumn.HeaderText = "Description"; combo.LayoutSettings.EntryMode = EntryMode.AutoComplete; combo.LayoutSettings.StatusBoxVisible = false; combo.FlyPostBackSettings.PostHiddenFields = true; combo.FlyPostBackSettings.PostInputControls = true; combo.ClientBindingSettings.DataSourceType = ISNet.WebUI.ClientDataSourceType.ClientDataSource; pnlDynamic.Controls.Add(combo); } }
Error message:
"Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'innerText' is null or not an object"
I got error message:
"Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected" in eval code [dynamic].
it cannot find BindWebCombo set in
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