Webinput - Java Script Error

1 reply. Last post: July 19, 2016 4:18 AM by Yudi
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Sachin JainMember


We are using latest versions of Intersoft WebUI controls. We are using WebInput inside the WebGrid. All seems working fine except we are getting the java script message when we lost focus from the WebInput and the same java script message appears if we do any postback (Infact the error comes even before the post back, it seems that WebInput is trying to perform the Mask Validation).

Java Script error : Unhandled exception at line 1, column 42430 in var e=document.getElementById(b.WindowInfo.ControlID)

Here is the WebInput declaration in the aspx designer page.

<ISWebInput:WebInput RenderingMode="HTML5" ID="WebInputEndDate" runat="server">
    <HighLight IsEnabled="True" Type="Phrase" />
    <EditFormat Type="DateTime" Format="MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm" IsEnabled="true">
        <MaskInfo MaskExpression="00/00/0000 00:00"></MaskInfo>
        <ErrorWindowInfo IsEnabled="False"></ErrorWindowInfo>
    <DateTimeEditor IsEnabled="true"></DateTimeEditor>
    <CultureInfo CultureName="en-US"></CultureInfo>

And we are specifying the WebInput to WebGrid in the WebGrid's PrepareDataBinding event.

Here is the code to bind WebInput to WebGrid.

MyColumn.EditType = EditType.Custom;
MyColumn.DataFormatString = Constants.FormatDateTimeDisplay3;
MyColumn.CustomEditorName = "WebInputNET";
MyColumn.CustomEditorServerId = "WebInputEndDate";
MyColumn.Width = 250;
MyColumn.FilterEditType = FilterEditType.CalendarCombo;

Please let me know what settings are required in order to get rid of this Java Script Message. A quick response on this will be highly appreciated.

Thanks !

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