How to make in-grid webinput capture work as standalone webinput?

1 reply. Last post: December 20, 2009 11:02 PM by Yudi
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I have a WebInput as custom editor for a given column, but it's not quite behaving the same as a standalone webinput for numeric data.

My WebColumn and WebInput definition are:

<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="TextBox(Int w/WI)" DataMember="ShipVia" DataType="System.Int32" DataFormatString="#,###" Name="ShipVia" Width="140px" EditType="Custom" CustomEditorName="WebInputNET" CustomEditorServerId="WebInput2">





<ISWebInput:WebInput ID="WebInput2" runat="server" Width="140px" > <DisplayFormat Format="#,###" IsEnabled="True" Type="Number"> <ErrorWindowInfo IsEnabled="True"> </ErrorWindowInfo> </DisplayFormat>


 If I use that same webinput definition outside of a grid it won't let me capture any non-numeric characters. But using that webinput as a custom edit for my column will accept non-numeric chars, it'll discard the entire entry anyways, but it will allow them.

Is it possible to make the in-grid version behave like the standalone one?

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