WebMenuBar Strange Behavior Using Client-Side Show Command

1 reply. Last post: May 24, 2010 11:51 AM by A Yousif
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A YousifMember

We have our own custom menu control that's derived from the WebMenuBar.  It has been working just great.  However, recently, we wanted to automatically pull down the drop down menus when the user hovers over them rather than having them click.  In doing this, we discovered this strange rendering problem and was hoping you can help us out please.

How we pull down the menu is simple.  We override the OnMouseOver function and then call the Show command on the menu object, e.g.,

    function OnMouseOver(controlId, cmd)

In the attached video, you can see that when the page is loaded and we move over the item, the Show() command displayes the menu in the upper left of the browser's client area.  Clicking away and then hovering over it again may or may not finally bring it up in the right place.  You can see that after I refreshed the page, it took around 5 attempts to get the menu to pull down in the correct place.

Are there any other ways to pull down the menu asided from the Show() command?  I did try running the OnClick() method but that caused an "out of memory" exception on the client side.

It would be helpful to add an example of how to programmatically pull down a menu item to the WebMenu Client-side API Samples in the live samples too.  Thank you.

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