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Developing a site that using the WebDeskTop that have several WebDeskTopWindows which it opens.
The problem that I'm having is that there are several of the windows that take several minutes to load the content. Actually it takes about 5 - 10 minutes.
I have included the code for the default page.
The RMSDefault.aspx page takes the longest to load, on this page is a webtab with about 10 tabs on it and each tab has content on
<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Codebehind="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="MyCRIS._Default"%><%@ Register Assembly="ISNet.WebUI.WebDesktop" Namespace="ISNet.WebUI.WebDesktop" TagPrefix="ISWebDesktop" %><%@ Register TagPrefix="uc1" TagName="MessageCenterNews" Src="~/Controls/MessageCenterNews.ascx" %> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><html><head id="Head1" runat="server"> <title>Desk Top</title> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function showDialog() { var wcm = ISGetObject('WebContextMenu1'); wcm.RootMenu.OffsetAlignment = "LeftTop"; wcm.SetOffsetElement(document.getElementById("StartBtn")); wcm.Show(); } function showWindow(winName) { var dm = ISGetObject('WebDesktopManager1'); dm.Windows.GetNamedItem(winName).ShowAndActivate(); } </script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" id="WebDesktopManager1_OnInitialize"> <!-- function WebDesktopManager1_OnInitialize(controlId) { var WebDesktopManager1 = 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<ISWebDesktop:WebDesktopShortcut Name="scQuickCommands" Text="Quick Commands" ToolTip="Quick Commands" WindowName="wndQC" Image="./Images/QuickCommand1.jpg" TargetURL="~/Apps/LEADS/QuickCommands.aspx" /> <ISWebDesktop:WebDesktopShortcut Name="scRMS" Text="RMS" ToolTip="RMS System" WindowName="wndRMS" Image="./Images/RMS.jpg" TargetURL="~/Apps/RMS/RMSDefault.aspx" /> <ISWebDesktop:WebDesktopShortcut Image="./images/TACToolbox1a.png" Name="scTACCorrner" Text="TAC Corner" ToolTip="TAC Tools" WindowName="wndTACTools" /> </ShortcutIcons> <ClientSideEvents OnInitialize="WebDesktopManager1_OnInitialize"></ClientSideEvents> <TaskBarLeftTemplate> <img id="StartBtn" src="images/WebDesktopIconRound-16.gif" style="cursor: pointer" title="New Window" onclick="showDialog()" alt="Start Button" /> </TaskBarLeftTemplate> <TaskBarRightTemplate> Logged in: <label id="userLbl"></label> </TaskBarRightTemplate> <TaskBarStyle BackColor="#E9E6D7" BackColor2="192, 192, 192" Font-Names="Tahoma" Font-Size="8pt" 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The RMSDefault page takes the longest to load. Its a web page that has a webtab on it that has about 10 tabs each referencing a different page. example:
<ISWebDeskTop:WebTabItem Text="Vehicle" ContentURL="~/Apps/RMS/Towed/Enter.aspx" ContentMode="UseIFrame" InProgressText="Loading..." Name="wtbTow">
<TabPages> <ISWebDesktop:WebTabItem Text="Incident" ContentURL="~/Apps/RMS/Offense Incident/OffenseIncidentRecord.aspx" ContentMode="UseIFrame" InProgressText="Loading......" Name="wtbIncidents" ToolTip="Offense Incidents"> </ISWebDesktop:WebTabItem> <ISWebDesktop:WebTabItem Text="Property" ContentURL="~/Apps/RMS/Property/PropertyRecord.aspx" ContentMode="UseIFrame" InProgressText="Loading......" Name="wtbProperty" ToolTip="Property"> </ISWebDesktop:WebTabItem> <ISWebDesktop:WebTabItem Text="Arrest" ContentURL="~/Apps/RMS/Arrest/ARE.aspx" ContentMode="UseIFrame" InProgressText="Loading......" Name="wtbArrest" ToolTip="Arrested Person"> </ISWebDesktop:WebTabItem> <ISWebDesktop:WebTabItem Text="Citation"> </ISWebDesktop:WebTabItem> <ISWebDesktop:WebTabItem Text="Parking Ticket"> </ISWebDesktop:WebTabItem> <ISWebDesktop:WebTabItem Text="Towed Vehicle" ContentURL="~/Apps/RMS/TowedVehicle/EnterTow.aspx" ContentMode="UseIFrame" InProgressText="Loading......" Name="wtbTowedVehicle"> </ISWebDesktop:WebTabItem> <ISWebDesktop:WebTabItem Text="Missing Person"> </ISWebDesktop:WebTabItem> <ISWebDesktop:WebTabItem Text="Traffic Crash"> </ISWebDesktop:WebTabItem> <ISWebDesktop:WebTabItem Name="wtbWarrants" Text="Warrants" ContentURL="~/Apps/RMS/Warrants/Warrants.aspx" ContentMode="UseIFrame" InProgressText="Loading......"> </ISWebDesktop:WebTabItem> </TabPages>
Ellen Welch
Hi Ellen,
I tried to replicate your issue here. But unfortunately, WebDesktop doesn't show me any rendering problem that cause long-time loading. Could you tell me what control that you used inside RMSDefault page? This problem might be happen because there are many controls that need to get the structure from server side.
Actually for the first time, WebTab will be rendered inside WebDesktopWindow then WebTab will render the active page of WebTab. The rest iFramepage will be rendered into WebTab if you make the page as active tab on WebTab. So I think this page won't take much time to be rendered in your WebPage.
Look forward to hear any feedback from you so I can help you further.
Hi Bernad,
The rendering of the windows have gotten progressively worst. What do you need from me to show you the problem. I have had another developer look at the page and can't find what the problem seems to be. What are the basic settings for the window page, maybe it's something internal.
The webtab works. It too is just too slow.
I can take these pages out of the webdesktop and run them individually and they work fine. But I run them in the webdesktop environment and some are running slow and others won't show me the content of the page.
I must have something configured wrong in the webdesktop or the webconfig.
Hi Bernard,
I have attached 5 text files, hopefully correctly. The default page, which has the webdesktop which calls the 3 other pages. The QuickCommand page which has a webslidingmenu in it (that won;t show when executing inside the desktop) but will show when it's a standalone page. the rmsdefault page is a page which has a webtab, which has about 8 tabs, all call different pages to put into the iframe. This works almost alright except that it takes to long to load and the property page has an additional webtab at the bottom of it that won't show. I also include the xml file for the webslidingmenu.
thanks Ellen
the files (sorry)
Oh, one more thing.
I found out that the project won't run in IE 9, but it super fast say in firefox v10. It seems to be a performance issue. What rev of IE are you running?
Using your code that you gave me above, I tried to replicate your issue in our local end. I also put the same structure like yours in my website. Unfortunately, I couldn't use some other assembly and user control like InputMask, GroupValidator, CRISCommandInterface, and etc because we don't have it in our local end. So I delete other control that are not ours, so I can run the website in our local end.
However, when I tried to run it in IE9 browser, Default.aspx can be loaded perfectly and it only used less than 10 seconds to show the website in our local end. Although, when I open RMSDefault, it takes 3 seconds to show the PropertyRecord page but it is expected because there are many WebCombo controls inside that page.
To replicate your issue in our local end, we need a running sample that can replicate your issue in our local end. This is necessary because we need to trace which control that make this issue happen in your local end. Look forward to hear any feedback from you so I can help you further.
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