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I’m trying to have first selection after loading the page to a certain item on the WebCombo.
So it always fails unless I have the DropDown opened at least once, after that the SetSelectedRowByValue will work properly.
Seems like all the rows never got loaded, unless we at least open the dropdown list, at least once.
How can I get work around that behaviour as I need to have default selection when the page loaded, or even select a row on a grid on the page, so when the user select a row on the grid, I need to change the selection on the comb according to the user choice on the grid, this will work fine if I open the combobox drop down list at least once, other wise will neve work.
When I checked the total number of rows on the combo box, they always = 0, but after I open the drop down list, I got the correct total number or rows.
I'm using ISDataSource to bound that data.
Please I need help here.
Hello Maged,
Yes, that is our default behaviour. When open the dropdown, it will load the data.
To overcome this issue, you will need to show the dropdown as you said.
So, please try to call ShowDropDwon at OnInitialize client side event.
Thanks for your reply.
Is there any function that I can use to force the combobox to load all the items without open the drop down list. It doesn't look good if the user find the list open without touching it!
Also this is idn't work with me due to actions not hapeinging in exact secuence, for example, if you programatically show the drop down, I cannot inthe next line of code to select an item because the server will still processing the request. Best solution is to provide me a function that ask the combo toload all the items!
Unfortunately, there is no such function other than my previous workaround. If you want to select the value at the page load, you can simply to use WebCombo1.Value (server side).But as default, the data would be loaded when the user type something at the textbox or click on dropdown.
I found a great fix for that, by using unbound mode, and load the data in the combobox on the serverside at the page load using PopulateUnboundData() combobox api.
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