The WebPane height display is incorrect in IE11

1 reply. Last post: May 18, 2017 10:01 AM by Benny Sun
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Benny SunMember

Dear Support,

 When I ran your sample program, I found the following problem.

The example path as follows:

Start -> All Programs -> Intersoft Premier Studio 2016 R1 -> WebUI -> WebDesktop VB Turorials

Open the ConfiguringCollapsiblePane.aspx file in the Solution Explorer.

After that, I found the following error using IE11 to debugging.

But it works fine with Chrome.You can find that the height of these plates is abnormal in the IE 11 Browser.

I hope you can help me. Thank you very much.



Intersoft version:  Intersoft 2016 R1

WebDesktop version : V5.0.7200

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