Open 2 UXWindow with the same XAML URL

1 reply. Last post: October 20, 2014 10:48 AM by Yudi
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is it possible to open 2 UXWindow with the same XAML URL and WindowOptions 

but different StartupParameters??

Something like this:

OpenFFTBeschleunigung(450, new DateTime(2013, 04, 03, 14, 03, 29));

OpenFFTBeschleunigung(451, new DateTime(2013, 04, 03, 14, 03, 29));

private void OpenFFTBeschleunigung(int vtdId, DateTime analyseZeit)
            AnalyseKommunikationsParameter startupParameter = new AnalyseKommunikationsParameter();
            startupParameter.MessDateiTyp = HacEnums.MessDateiTyp.fft;
            startupParameter.AnalyseTyp = HacEnums.AnalyseTyp.fftBeschleunigung;
            startupParameter.AnalyseZeit = analyseZeit;
            startupParameter.VirtuellerTrendDeklarationId = vtdId;

            Intersoft.Client.Framework.WindowCommands.LaunchApplication.Execute(new WindowOptions()
                Uri = new Uri("/Hainzl.Web.Silverlight.Haicmon.Analyse;Hainzl.Web.Silverlight.Haicmon.Analyse.SpektrumWindow", UriKind.Relative),
                ForceSingleInstance = false,
                ReactivateExistingInstance = false,
                StartupParameters = startupParameter
            }, xHaicmonDesktop);


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