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Staffan Eriksson Member
of 2

In my VB code I added:

WebGrid1.RootTable.GroupedColumns(0).GroupRowValueFormatString = "[value]"

and it works!

It looks like there are bugs regarding doing this any other way.

// Staffan



I've tried both:

WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("AccountGroupText").GroupRowInfoFormat = "[value]" WebGrid1.RootTable.GroupRowInfoFormatDefault = "[value]"

But it makes no difference. The WebGrid on the screen looks correct but when exporting to pdf for some reason it shows "AccountGroupText: x" on each group header and it's not acceptable for user friendly reasons.

Isn't it possible to loop through each row in the DataDynamics object model and remove the first x characters if it's a group header row?

// Staffan


In the Export event I've added this code:

WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("AccountGroupText").GroupRowInfoFormat = "[value]"

Unfortunately it still shows "AccountGroupText: x" when exporting. Have I done anything wrong?

// Staffan

That's very sad because the built-in exporting functionality can't be used in a real world scenario then.

Is it possible to only show the value and not the column name and value as it does right now?

// Staffan E.

Posted: October 14, 2009 7:55 AM

Exporting to pdf from the exact same application works when running local, on the hosted server it doesn't but I've now found out that if I change the security settings in IE 8.0 exporting to pdf works also from the hosted server. I've changed so many settings in IE 8.0 so I don't know which one made the difference. Do you have any idea?

Posted: October 14, 2009 4:08 AM

ISNet.dll = 3.0.5000.703
ISNet.WebUI.dll = 3.0.5000.703
ISNet.WebUI.Resources.dll = 3.0.5000.703

ISNet.Active.Reports.Exporting = 5.0.7200.2 in Project\Bin
ISNet.Active.Reports.Exporting = 5.0.7200.3 in Windows\Assembly

WebGrid = 6.0.7200.215
Framework = 3.0.5000.703

How do I update the GAC?

Posted: October 13, 2009 7:31 AM


When running ProgrammaticExportClientSide.aspx the same problem exists. Acrobat Reader is installed on my computer and it has been working before. I know I made some version upgrade of WebGrid and the framework for some time ago. Could it have anything to do with this?

// Staffan

Posted: September 10, 2009 9:03 AM

I've found the reason why it doesn't work as expected:

When using this code it works:

<CellStyle Font-Bold="True" HorizontalAlign="Right"> </CellStyle> <HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Right" />

When using this code it doesn't work:

<CellStyle CssClass="clsGridRight">

</CellStyle> <HeaderStyle CssClass="clsGridRight" />

clsGridRight looks like this:



text-align: right !important;


Do you have a solution to this problem?

// Staffan E.

Posted: September 10, 2009 8:50 AM

I'm using .703 version of the framework. How can I check if the IE8 settings are correct?

// Staffan E.

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