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Scott French Member
of 4

Hello Handy,

Yes, this was my concern. I never actually checked those values myself, just suspected they might be occurring as it looked the like the aggregates were being calculated off only the data that was currently loaded into the grid. As I mentioned I think it is important that the aggregate values for each grouping should be complete and accurate even if every row used to calculate those values hasn't been loaded on the client-side yet.

Scott French




Just to clarify our situation a little more. There really isn’t a need for our users to view more than 200 records at a time. Currently when you group a record the grid requires every row in the group to be displayed and that is how we came across this error in testing. So if you can apply the same virtual paging logic that the grid normally uses to groups that would be fine.

As far as suppressing the ‘stop this script’ error this is something we definitely think you should do. The great thing about this product is it is so flexible… there are so many options in using it. That can also be a problem as our users often do things we would have not predicted. That might include loading two weeks of labor data into the grid (5000+ records) and grouping the results by employee or division. That may make for some very large groups. We would expect this to be possible without any errors (even if it is a little slow).

We would also expect for the aggregate area of all of these groups (despite how many rows have been loaded 200/5000 or 5000/5000) to be accurate in their calculations (sums, totals, etc in relation to the total dataset) and not disappear when you sort or filter the grid.

Scott French

Hello Product Support,

Not fully understanding the technical details and differences between client-side binding and server-side binding I would think the best case scenario would be for these features to FUNCTION exactly the same... only we would expect client-side binding to PERFORM faster. With normal binding we could open up a group with 2000 records. That might take a more than a few seconds but at least it would open without any errors. The same problem applies to a normal loading operation (no grouping) where the virtual paging size is larger. For example on the page we are trying to convert in our application we might load a dataset with 1500 rows into the grid using client-side binding. As of today if the virtual page size is set to 350 we will get the "stop this script" error. It takes a lot more rows to get the error in the samples we've provided but the page in our application is much more complicated. We never had to worry about this error with server-side binding. The implication here is we would prefer to find a way to suppress this error prompt if possible as its potential to show up and frustrate our users is larger in scope than this discussion has revealed up until now.

If it isn’t possible to suppress the error somehow my manager had the suggestion to display group totals as x/x. For example (200/350) or (200 of 350). It would be great if we could use the same paging mechanism of scrolling down to the bottom of the group to load more records instead of requiring a button click.

Regarding issue 2: It would be best if the group totals (aggregate area) is available for a group even if all the rows are not loaded into the grid. I’m not sure what this entails but I know many of our users will group the grid just to read the totals for a certain column. If only the tops few groups have totals they will be confused.

Scott French

That did the trick, Andi! Thank you very much.

Handy, You are correct that there is no longer a (0) row count issue. The issue has shifted slightly. You can tell which rows WOULD HAVE had a (0) row count by looking at the group sum for the 'Duplicate' column. Follow the steps A. and B. from the initial post. Now instead of seeing (0) row count for some groups you will see only the top few groups have a suming area with a value for the 'Duplicate' column. From what I can tell the groups without the sums are the groups that would have had a (0) row count before this fix. When you sort the grid these groups will disappear. Originally the (0) row count groups were disappearing. Now the groups without a summing area are disappearing. I think it is the same basic issue.

That's why I tried to do in my sample project but it did not work. The tab was created but the content area is blank.

Yes, issue 2 still occurs in the original sample, the only difference is now there are row counts. The groups still disappear.

As promised here is the updated project to replicate issue 4. Basically all we had to do was add more rows to the database table. A group with 1000+ rows is not at all uncommon in our application. In this case we actually get this error with far fewer rows (sometimes only 300+) but the grid configuration on our page is far more complicated and contains many more columns, combos, web value lists, etc.

Steps to replicate

a.      Unzip ‘’ to its own directory.

b.      Go to Visual Studio and select Open > Web Site > and browse to the new directory with unzipped contents.

c.       Right Click on ‘ClientBinding_BatchUpdateIssues.aspx’ and select ‘View in Browser’.

d.      Group the grid by the ‘Operating System’ column.

e.      The first group listed should be ‘Operating System: All (1276)’

f.        Open this grouping by clicking the plus (+) sign and wait.

g.       An error like the screen shot I’ve attached should be displayed warning: ‘Stop running this script?  A script on this page is causing your web browser to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer might become unresponsive.’

It looks like issue 1 and issue 3 are resolved. Issue 2 still seems to occur. The only difference in the row counts are now there. Basically open the sample I provided above and follow the instruction for issue 2. After you sort there will be row counts for all rows, BUT you will see only the top few rows will show a grouping sum for the Duplicate column. After sorting these groups will remain but all others without a grouping sum will disappear.

I am also still seeing issue 4 (the “Stop running this script? A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer might become unresponsive.” error) in our app even after upgrading to 2009 R2. I will work to get a sample replicating this error outside of our application today.

Any update on issues 1-3? We paid for the upgrade to the grid thinking it would improve some of our speed and reliability problems but have not be able to get any use out of it due to these issues. We tried the Classic paging but it was even worse. When grouped only the items that were displayed on that page were availalbe. This would be a mess for our users as they expect to see all the data for the range supplied when they group a column. I will work to replicate the other problems we were experiencing. I can still see them in our application itself but I will try to put together a sample file that illustrates them outside of our environment.

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