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Frank Gary Member
of 6
Posted: March 14, 2012 12:55 PM

Hi Yudi,

In testing my app I discovered a slight problem and I am hopeful you can assist me further. It seems that I should not make the color bar content text ALL black or ALL white, I need a mixture of black OR white text depending on the color bar background color.

If some of my color bars are  dark color and the text is all black, then the text is hard to see/read. If some of my color bars are light colored and the text is all white, then the text is also hard to see/read.

My question is, is it possible to set the color bar text based on the colorbar color? For example:


If (SubjectColor == "#800000" || SubjectColor == "#808000")

then make the text white


make the text black


OR something like this?????????

If (SubjectColor == "#800000" || SubjectColor == "#808000")

then make the text white else

If (SubjectColor == "#FF0000" || SubjectColor == "#FFFF00")

make the text black


Is this possble or am I stuck with either all black or all white color bar content text?

Please advise and best regards - Frank


Posted: March 12, 2012 5:09 AM

Hi Yudi,

Tried the above steps and the results are as follows:

1). I can add client side events with the two lines of code REMOVED from the OnEventBound.

2). I can "manually" add client side events with the two lines of code NOT removed from the OnEventBound.

For now, I will just either add manual client side events, or remove the two lines of code, add a new event and then put the two lines of code back. The issue does not seem to affect the performance of the wescheduler control at runtime.

Thanks - Frank


Posted: March 10, 2012 4:15 PM


Thank you for your reply. I will look at this next week and post back the results.


Posted: March 10, 2012 4:14 PM


Thanks for the prompt reply. Your solution worked perfectly!


Posted: February 23, 2012 9:10 AM

Hi Handy,

I was able to resolve my issue simply by disabling the editing feature, (had not considered that one, thanks for pointing it out!).

Thank you for all your help. Your forum support is truly top notch!


Posted: February 20, 2012 9:04 PM

Hi Handy,

I was able to get it working using your option #1 above. Thank you!

I do have one remaining issue in my configuration. When a user one clicks a color bar, I am trying to "hide" the "Edit Event" button on the fly out dialog. I am able to hide the entire Edit Event dialog completely through the "OnEventSelected" client side event.

However, I would like to show the Edit Event dialog so the user can see the details, but not allow them to click the Edit Event button. Can the Edit Event button be hidden somehow?

Attached is a screen shot. Is this possible?

Thanks - Frank

Posted: February 17, 2012 6:54 AM

Hi Handy,

Thank you for your prompt response.

You stated:

"use dropdown only as options to change the query
We have server side selecting event in ISDataSource. I think you can interrupt and change the query based on your dropdown value in this event"

This is EXACTLY what I have been trying to do with no success! In the events table adapter it does not appear that I can use compound queries as I get an error "The Declare SQL construct or statement is not supported" so it does not allow me to utilize two different queries or sub queries in the same single query.

I am able to use query 1 by itself and set the parameter on the ISDataSource Events table fine, and I am able to use query 2 by itself and set the parameter on the ISDataSource Events table fine, however I am NOT able to add a compound query for query 1 AND query 2 without getting the above error.

I also do not see a server side selecting event in the ISDATASOURCE anywhere, I have checked from top to bottom.

Can you adivise further?

Thanks! - Frank




Posted: February 16, 2012 7:34 AM

Hi Handy,

Thank you very much for your reply. I am using parameters in other areas of my webscheduler development project so I am very familiar with your suggested solution.

However, I am not certain parameters will work in my scenario since using parameters appears to be  based on a SINGLE query. What I want to do is utilize TWO different queries.

How would I accomplish this if I were using an Intersoft dropdown list control? Is is even possible to invoke Events query 1 when user selects dropdown option 1 and invoke Events query 2 when user selects dropdown option 2?

There are basically TWO different select statements and I am not aware of any way to have two different select staements in the same sql query based on a parameter?

Thanks - Frank


Posted: January 31, 2012 4:46 AM

Hi Yudi,

I believe I have resolved the problem.

I changed the LoadOnDemandMode from TripleLoad to SingleLoad and the problem appears to be resolved.  Whether the json reference is included or not in the webconfig file, setting to SingleLoad resolves the problem.

However, I am now wondering if there will be a future or long term performance "hit" due to the setting change?

Also, the answers to your above posted questions are as follows:

1). The mode does not seem to matter, setting for timeline, day, month etc. invokes the json error in tripleload, however my default view is timeline.

2). Client and server paging are both set to True, setting them to False did not make a difference in TripleLoad.

3). Did not troubleshoot with HttpWatch.

4). There are no recurring events in my application, the tables are empty.

Please advise and thanks!



Posted: January 30, 2012 12:42 PM


Thank you for your continued assistance in helping me resolve this issue. I have been unavailable the past several days to continue troubleshooting.

I will however try your suggestions within the next 1-2 days and reply back in this thread with further information.

Thanks again -



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