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Erwin Sanders Member
of 11

Hello Sachin,

Try adding this meta tag in the html head.

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

We don't recommend you using compatibility mode or a lower version of IE than IE11 for our controls' best performances. That meta actually forces IE to run its document Mode to Edge. It's been tested on my end and it should work fine.

Hope this helps.

Erwin Sanders

Posted: May 9, 2016 2:38 AM

Hi there,

May I know the details of your controls information? Like what version of controls that is being used (e.g. WebDesktop 5, WebGrid 10, Framework 3)? Also would you mind giving information about the environment you are working with now (VS edition and version; OS version;)?

Was there any triggers that caused the error? Was it after you used the update manager?

Erwin Sanders

Hello Luciano,

Sorry for the delay in replying. We actually got that error message from early testing of our monthly updates and it was solved by restarting our machine. It's been working fine on our end so far. I'll see if I can recreate the issue on one of our machines.

Erwin Sanders

That's good to hear Luciano. Thank you for the information. If you've got any other questions, feel free to ask again.

Erwin Sanders

Posted: May 4, 2016 7:24 AM

Hello Jean,

Thank you for the report. I am able to replicate this issue on my end and it's been addressed as an issue. Our dev team immediately came up with a nightly-built hotfix. To apply the hotfix manually, please follow these steps:

  1. Extract the hotfix file, for example :
  2. Copy the entire contents of \bin folder and paste it to [Installation Folder]\Intersoft Solutions\WebUI Studio for ASP.NET\WebDesktop.NET 5.0\Bin.
  3. Copy the entire contents of \script folder and paste it to [Installation Folder]\Intersoft Solutions\WebUI Studio for ASP.NET\CommonLibrary\WebDesktop\V5_0_7200 folder.
This hotfix's been tested and it should resolve the issue that you reported.

Erwin Sanders

Posted: May 4, 2016 2:38 AM

Hi there,

Here's the nightly-built hotfix that's delivered by our dev team. To apply it manually, please follow these steps:

  1. Extract the hotfix file, for example :
  2. Copy the entire contents of \bin folder and paste it to [Installation Folder]\Intersoft Solutions\WebUI Studio for ASP.NET\WebScheduler.NET 5.0\Bin.
  3. Copy the entire contents of \script folder and paste it to [Installation Folder]\Intersoft Solutions\WebUI Studio for ASP.NET\CommonLibrary\WebScheduler\V5_0_1000 folder.
This hotfix has been tested by myself and it should work fine.

Best Regards,

Erwin Sanders

Hello Dimitris,

Sorry but I haven't quite understand the purpose of such scenario because our WebGrid Filter feature works just like the scenario that you want to create. Maybe if you provide me with more information, I would be able to come up with a workaround for you.

Erwin Sanders

Posted: May 3, 2016 3:40 AM

Hello there,

I just checked on ASPNET-161 and it's still in progress state. There will be a hotfix expected by the end of this week. We are sorry for such delay and thank you so much for your patience. I'll inform you once the hotfix is out.

Best Regards,
Erwin Sanders

Hello again Luciano,

There's been a hotfix for you to resolve the WebGrid Designer issue. You could apply the hotfix by following these steps:

  1. Extract the hotfix file, for example :
  2. Delete ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.Editor.dll and ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.Editor.Metro.dll from GAC.
  3. Copy the entire contents of \bin folder and paste it to [Installation Folder]\Intersoft Solutions\WebUI Studio for ASP.NET\WebGrid.NET 10.0\Bin.
  4. Install ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.Editor.dll and ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.Editor.Metro.dll to GAC.
  5. Copy the entire contents of \script folder and paste it to [Installation Folder]\Intersoft Solutions\WebUI Studio for ASP.NET\CommonLibrary\WebGrid\V10_0_7200 folder.
This hotfix has been tested myself and it should work fine.

Best Regards,
Erwin Sanders

Hello again Luciano,

Your initial issue was the inaccessible WebDesktop Designer, am I right? It should become accessible by removing the !important attribute to the Window Active Style. Was the Overflow="Hidden" workaround didn't work for you?

By the way, I looked up at your screenshots, and there's nothing wrong with them. The inaccessible WebDesktop Designer is caused by an issue in our internal code and it's been addressed under ASPNET-389. I'll inform you once it's been fixed. In the meantime, you could try using the Overflow="Hidden" property instead. Sorry for any delay that may have caused you.

Best Regards,
Erwin Sanders

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