How to make a custom control to float right in UXDesktop?

2 replies. Last post: January 11, 2011 1:36 PM by Martin Lie
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I have add a custom control in UXDesktop,and has set the HorizontalAlignment to right,but it does not work. I just want the costom control to float right . I know use the property of WindowStartupLocation and margin to achieve,but when the window size changed, these settings will not work out.How to make HorizontalAlignment=right works. thank you !!!
my code:
<Intersoft:UXDesktop x:Name="MyDesktop" Background="{x:Null}" TaskBar="{Binding ElementName=DesktopDock}" ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource GlassWindowStyle}">
                <local:WaterList IsClientVisible="True" IsActive="True" HorizontalAlignment="Right" />

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