How do you make DataPresenterCheckBoxColumn readonly?

1 reply. Last post: January 21, 2011 6:37 AM by Yudi
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In the following example:

                                ItemsSource="{Binding MyActionItems}"
                                 SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedMyActionItem, Mode=TwoWay}" 
                              StatusReadyText="Double-click Project to go to Project Maintenance View"
                    <Intersoft:DataPresenterTextColumn DataMemberField="ProjectName" />
                    <Intersoft:DataPresenterCheckBoxColumn IsReadOnly="True" Editable="False"  Caption="Constraints Missing" DataMemberField="ConstraintsMissing" />
                    <Intersoft:DataPresenterCheckBoxColumn IsReadOnly="True" Editable="False" Caption="Deliverables Missing" DataMemberField="DeliverablesMissing" />
                    <Intersoft:DataPresenterCheckBoxColumn IsReadOnly="True" Editable="False" Caption="No Project Work Estimates" DataMemberField="NoWorkEstimates" />
                    <Intersoft:DataPresenterCheckBoxColumn IsReadOnly="True" Editable="False" Caption="No Time Entered"  DataMemberField="NoTimeEntered" />
                    <Intersoft:DataPresenterCheckBoxColumn IsReadOnly="True" Editable="False" Caption="No Timesheets Last Week" DataMemberField="TimeSheetsMissing" />

All the DataPresenterCheckBoxColumns can checked and unchecked, even though i have IsReadonly set to true and Editable set to false. How can I make a readonly checkbox field?
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