Intersoft Support Center

Enable Server Paging in Timeline view

WebScheduler provides server paging feature in Timeline view.

In this topic, you will learn how to enable Client paging in Timeline view.

To enable Client Paging EventPageSize mode

  1. Right-click on the WebScheduler’s control and choose Properties.
  2. In Properties box, expand ViewSettings >> TimelineView.
  3. Set SelectedViewMode to Timeline and EnableClientPaging to True.
  4. Set EnableServerPaging to True and set ClientPagingMode to either Both or ViewPort.
Server paging feature is only applicable when the client paging is set to ViewPort or Both. For certain scenarios with smaller data (less than a thousand of records in a month view), the server paging may not be necessary enabled so that the complete data can be transmitted in a single page load. In such scenarios, the client paging will perform data rendering immediately.
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