| Name | Description |
| OnAcceptAllChanges | |
| OnActionDispatched | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked after an FlyPostBack action is dispacthed during response. |
| OnAddPendingChanges | |
| OnAfterAdd | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked after the new row has been added. |
| OnAfterDelete | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked after the delete process is done. |
| OnAfterExitEditMode | |
| OnAfterInitialize | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked after the WebGrid had been initialized. |
| OnAfterPrint | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked after the Grid is printed from browser Print menu. |
| OnAfterResponseProcess | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked after the response action of a request has been performed. |
| OnAfterUpdate | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked after the update process is done. |
| OnBatchUpdateError | Specifies the client side (Javascript) function that will be invoked when one or more records are failed to be updated during batch update process. |
| OnBatchUpdateSuccess | |
| OnBeforeAdd | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked before new row request is invoked. |
| OnBeforeDelete | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked before delete request is performed. |
| OnBeforePrint | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked before the Grid is printed from browser Print menu. |
| OnBeforeRequest | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when request action to server is about to be made. |
| OnBeforeRowSelect | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked before a row is selected. |
| OnBeforeUpdate | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked before the update request is invoked. |
| OnBeginRowEditing | |
| OnButtonClick | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when button cell is clicked. |
| OnCalendarSelect | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when selection is made from Calendar popup. |
| OnCancelRowEditing | |
| OnCellClick | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a cell is clicked. |
| OnCellDblClick | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a cell is double clicked. |
| OnCellSelect | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a cell is selected. |
| OnCheckBoxClick | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when checkbox is clicked. |
| OnChildRowCollapse | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a childRow is being collapsed. |
| OnChildRowExpand | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a childRow is being expanded. |
| OnColumnAction | Specifies the client side (Javascript) function that will be invoked when users click on the column action indicator. |
| OnColumnChanged | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a column is changed. Columns changed means that it is being removed or added directly from WebGrid client UI. |
| OnColumnContextMenu | Specifies the client side (Javascript) function that will be invoked when the column's context menu is about to be displayed. |
| OnColumnFilter | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a column is about to be filtered by user. |
| OnColumnGroup | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a column is about to be grouped by user. |
| OnColumnGroupChange | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a group column's order is about to be changed by user. |
| OnColumnMove | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a column is being moved. |
| OnColumnResize | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a column is being resized. |
| OnColumnSort | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a column is about to be sorted by user. |
| OnColumnUngroup | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a column is about to be ungrouped by user. |
| OnCustomAggregate | |
| OnDataBound | |
| OnDataSourceChanged | |
| OnEditKeyDown | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when keypress is detected during editing mode (edit control is in focus). |
| OnEndRowEditing | |
| OnEnterEditMode | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when edit mode is about to be activated. |
| OnExitEditMode | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when edit mode is being ended. |
| OnExportContextMenu | |
| OnFilterContextMenu | |
| OnFocus | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when the focus is set to the grid. |
| OnGroupCollapse | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a group is being collapsed. |
| OnGroupExpand | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a group is being expanded. |
| OnInitialize | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when the grid is in initialization process. |
| OnInitializeCell | |
| OnInitializeCustomEditor | Specifies the client side (Javascript) function that will be invoked when a custom editor is about to be initialized. |
| OnInitializeRow | |
| OnKeyDown | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when keystroke is being made. |
| OnLostFocus | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when the grid lost focus. |
| OnPostRender | |
| OnPreRender | |
| OnRemovePendingChanges | |
| OnResponse | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a response from server is returned. |
| OnRowContextMenu | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when row context menu is about to be displayed. |
| OnRowSelect | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a row is selected. |
| OnRowSelectorClick | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when rowSelector is clicked. |
| OnRowValidate | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when the row is being validated. |
| OnScroll | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when the grid is being scrolled. |
| OnSelfRefRowCollapse | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a self referencing row is being collapsed. |
| OnSelfRefRowExpand | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a self referencing row is being expanded. |
| OnSynchronizeCell | |
| OnSynchronizeChangesUI | |
| OnSynchronizeRow | |
| OnUndoAllChanges | |
| OnUndoChanges | |
| OnUnhandledError | Specifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when unhandled error occurred. |