Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
ClientEvents Class Members
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ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid Namespace : ClientEvents Class

The following tables list the members exposed by ClientEvents.

Public Constructors

public ConstructorClientEvents Constructor  

Public Properties

public PropertyOnAcceptAllChanges  
public PropertyOnActionDispatchedSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked after an FlyPostBack action is dispacthed during response.  
public PropertyOnAddPendingChanges  
public PropertyOnAfterAddSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked after the new row has been added.  
public PropertyOnAfterDeleteSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked after the delete process is done.  
public PropertyOnAfterExitEditMode  
public PropertyOnAfterInitializeSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked after the WebGrid had been initialized.  
public PropertyOnAfterPrintSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked after the Grid is printed from browser Print menu.  
public PropertyOnAfterResponseProcessSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked after the response action of a request has been performed.  
public PropertyOnAfterUpdateSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked after the update process is done.  
public PropertyOnBatchUpdateErrorSpecifies the client side (Javascript) function that will be invoked when one or more records are failed to be updated during batch update process.  
public PropertyOnBatchUpdateSuccess  
public PropertyOnBeforeAddSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked before new row request is invoked.  
public PropertyOnBeforeDeleteSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked before delete request is performed.  
public PropertyOnBeforePrintSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked before the Grid is printed from browser Print menu.  
public PropertyOnBeforeRequestSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when request action to server is about to be made.  
public PropertyOnBeforeRowSelectSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked before a row is selected.  
public PropertyOnBeforeUpdateSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked before the update request is invoked.  
public PropertyOnBeginRowEditing  
public PropertyOnButtonClickSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when button cell is clicked.  
public PropertyOnCalendarSelectSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when selection is made from Calendar popup.  
public PropertyOnCancelRowEditing  
public PropertyOnCellClickSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a cell is clicked.  
public PropertyOnCellDblClickSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a cell is double clicked.  
public PropertyOnCellSelectSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a cell is selected.  
public PropertyOnCheckBoxClickSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when checkbox is clicked.  
public PropertyOnChildRowCollapseSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a childRow is being collapsed.  
public PropertyOnChildRowExpandSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a childRow is being expanded.  
public PropertyOnColumnActionSpecifies the client side (Javascript) function that will be invoked when users click on the column action indicator.  
public PropertyOnColumnChangedSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a column is changed. Columns changed means that it is being removed or added directly from WebGrid client UI.  
public PropertyOnColumnContextMenuSpecifies the client side (Javascript) function that will be invoked when the column's context menu is about to be displayed.  
public PropertyOnColumnFilterSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a column is about to be filtered by user.  
public PropertyOnColumnGroupSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a column is about to be grouped by user.  
public PropertyOnColumnGroupChangeSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a group column's order is about to be changed by user.  
public PropertyOnColumnMoveSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a column is being moved.  
public PropertyOnColumnResizeSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a column is being resized.  
public PropertyOnColumnSortSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a column is about to be sorted by user.  
public PropertyOnColumnUngroupSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a column is about to be ungrouped by user.  
public PropertyOnCustomAggregate  
public PropertyOnDataBound  
public PropertyOnDataSourceChanged  
public PropertyOnEditKeyDownSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when keypress is detected during editing mode (edit control is in focus).  
public PropertyOnEndRowEditing  
public PropertyOnEnterEditModeSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when edit mode is about to be activated.  
public PropertyOnExitEditModeSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when edit mode is being ended.  
public PropertyOnExportContextMenu  
public PropertyOnFilterContextMenu  
public PropertyOnFocusSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when the focus is set to the grid.  
public PropertyOnGroupCollapseSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a group is being collapsed.  
public PropertyOnGroupExpandSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a group is being expanded.  
public PropertyOnInitializeSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when the grid is in initialization process.  
public PropertyOnInitializeCell  
public PropertyOnInitializeCustomEditorSpecifies the client side (Javascript) function that will be invoked when a custom editor is about to be initialized.  
public PropertyOnInitializeRow  
public PropertyOnKeyDownSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when keystroke is being made.  
public PropertyOnLostFocusSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when the grid lost focus.  
public PropertyOnPostRender  
public PropertyOnPreRender  
public PropertyOnRemovePendingChanges  
public PropertyOnResponseSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a response from server is returned.  
public PropertyOnRowContextMenuSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when row context menu is about to be displayed.  
public PropertyOnRowSelectSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a row is selected.  
public PropertyOnRowSelectorClickSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when rowSelector is clicked.  
public PropertyOnRowValidateSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when the row is being validated.  
public PropertyOnScrollSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when the grid is being scrolled.  
public PropertyOnSelfRefRowCollapseSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a self referencing row is being collapsed.  
public PropertyOnSelfRefRowExpandSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when a self referencing row is being expanded.  
public PropertyOnSynchronizeCell  
public PropertyOnSynchronizeChangesUI  
public PropertyOnSynchronizeRow  
public PropertyOnUndoAllChanges  
public PropertyOnUndoChanges  
public PropertyOnUnhandledErrorSpecifies the client side (JavaScript) function that will be invoked when unhandled error occurred.  

Public Methods

public MethodClone (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodCopyFromOverloaded.  (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodDeSerializeObjectData (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodGetObjectDataOverridden. This method is not intended to be called directly. It is used internally for control developers.  
public MethodIsEmpty (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodReset (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodSerializeObjectData (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodToStringReturns a string that represents the current ClientEvents class.  

See Also

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