Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
ChartMarkerStyle Class Members
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ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid Namespace : ChartMarkerStyle Class

The following tables list the members exposed by ChartMarkerStyle.

Public Constructors

public ConstructorChartMarkerStyle Constructor  

Public Properties

public PropertyAutoDepthGets or sets a value that indicates whether the component automatically determines the marker depth.  
public PropertyBorderStyleGets or sets the stroke style applied to the data point markers.  
public PropertyCollection (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.NamedObjectBase)
public PropertyDepthGets or sets the value that controls the depth of the data point marker in model units  
public PropertyFillStyleGets or sets the fill style applied to the data point markers.  
public PropertyHeightGets or sets a value that controls the height of the data point marker.  
public PropertyName (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.NamedObjectBase)
public PropertyPointShapeGets or sets the style of the data point markers  
public PropertyVerticalAlignGets or sets the vertical alignment of the data point markers  
public PropertyVisibleGets or sets the value that controls the visibility of the data point markers  
public PropertyWidthGets or sets the value that controls the width of the data point marker in NLength format  

Public Methods

public MethodClone (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodCopyFromOverloaded.  (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodDeSerializeObjectData (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodGetObjectDataOverridden.   
public MethodIsEmpty (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodReset (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodSerializeObjectData (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)

See Also

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