Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
WebGridTable Class Members
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ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid Namespace : WebGridTable Class

The following tables list the members exposed by WebGridTable.

Public Constructors

public ConstructorWebGridTable ConstructorOverloaded. Initializes a new instance of the WebGridTable class.  

Public Properties

public PropertyAllowAddNewSpecifies whether or not to allow users add new row.  
public PropertyAllowColumnMoveSpecifies whether or not to allow users move columns.  
public PropertyAllowColumnSizingSpecifies whether or not to allow users resize column's width.  
public PropertyAllowDeleteSpecifies whether or not to allow users delete data from within WebGrid.  
public PropertyAllowEditSpecifies whether or not to allow users edit and modify data.  
public PropertyAllowFilterSpecifies whether or not to allow users filtering data from within WebGrid.  
public PropertyAllowGroupingSpecifies whether or not to allow users group columns from within WebGrid.  
public PropertyAllowMultipleSelectionSpecifies whether user is allowed to perform multiple row selection for this table instance by using combination of Ctrl/shift keys and mouse click.  
public PropertyAllowSelectColumnsSpecifies whether or not to allow users select columns from within WebGrid.  
public PropertyAllowSortingSpecifies whether or not to allow users sort columns from within WebGrid.  
public PropertyAutomaticFilterSpecifies whether or not to allow WebGrid automatically handle filtering operation.  
public PropertyAutomaticSortSpecifies whether or not to allow WebGrid automatically handle sorting operation.  
public PropertyButtonStyleThe style applied to the button object of WebGridColumn which Type is Button.  
public PropertyCaptionGets or sets the text displayed in the table header.  
public PropertyCaptionImageGets or sets the image that will be displayed in the table header, before Caption.  
public PropertyCellClickActionSpecifies the action when users click on a cell.  
public PropertyCellPaddingDefaultSpecifies the default cell padding that controls the Table cell's padding.  
public PropertyCellSpacingDefaultSpecifies the default cell spacing that controls the Table cell's spacing.  
public PropertyCheckedRowStyleGets or sets the style applied to the checked row object of WebGridColumn.  
public PropertyChildTablesGets the collection of child WebGridTable object.  
public PropertyCollection (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.NamedObjectBase)
public PropertyColumnFootersSpecifies whether or not to display column footers.  
public PropertyColumnHeadersSpecifies whether or not to display column headers.  
public PropertyColumnsGets the collection of the WebGridColumn objects.  
public PropertyColumnSetsGets or sets a set of columns and rows as one row layout.  
public PropertyColumnSetSettingsGets or sets numerous customized settings on ColumnSet.  
public PropertyColumnWidthDefaultSpecifies the default column's width in Unit.  
public PropertyDataKeyFieldGets or sets the key field in the data source specified by the DataSource property and DataMember specified in the WebGridTable object.  
public PropertyDataMemberGets or sets the name of data source for which the table displays its data.  
public PropertyFilteredColumnsGets the collection of WebGridFilter objects.  
public PropertyFocusCellStyleGets or sets the style used when a row or cell is focused/selected.  
public PropertyFooterStyleGets or sets the style applied to the footer row.  
public PropertyFormatConditionsGets or sets the condition on WebGrid and apply the styles automatically when the condition is met.  
public PropertyGridGets the WebGrid object that own this table.  
public PropertyGridLineColorSpecifies the gridline's color.  
public PropertyGridLinesSpecifies the appearance of Table's GridLines that will separate between rows and cells.  
public PropertyGridLineStyleSpecifies the gridline's style.  
public PropertyGroupedColumnsGets the collection of WebGridGroup objects.  
public PropertyGroupModeGets or sets a value indicating whether groups should be collapsed or expanded when groups are calculated.  
public PropertyGroupRowInfoFormatDefaultGets or sets the default group row's format string.  
public PropertyGroupRowInfoStyleGets or sets the style for GroupRow.  
public PropertyGroupTotalStyleGets or sets the style applied to group total row.  
public PropertyGroupTotalVisibleDetermines whether total row for each GroupRow is shown.  
public PropertyHasChildTableReturns whether the object has child tables.  
public PropertyHeaderClickActionSpecifies the action when users click on column's header.  
public PropertyHeaderStyleGets or sets the style applied to the row.  
public PropertyHideColumnsWhenGroupedSpecifies whether the column headers of grouped columns is hidden.  
public PropertyHyperlinkStyleGets or sets the style applied to the hyperlink.  
public PropertyIsRootTableReturns whether the object is root table.  
public PropertyIsUseColumnSetDetermines whether this table is valid to use columnset for rendering the row layout.  
public PropertyLayoutGets the LayoutSet object of which the object belongs to.  
public PropertyNameOverridden.   
public PropertyNewRowInfoTextGets or sets the text that will be displayed in new row when new row isn't focused.  
public PropertyNewRowStyleThe style applied to new row.  
public PropertyParentTableReturns the parent table of this object.  
public PropertyPositionReturns the position of the object based on the Collection that owns this object.  
public PropertyPreviewRowSettingsGets or sets the expandable preview row on WebGridTable.  
public PropertyPreviewRowVisibleSpecifies whether or preview or is visible on WebGridTable.  
public PropertyRowHeadersSpecifies whether or not to display row's header. Row headers are used to identify current selected row and can be clicked to select a row.  
public PropertyRowHeaderStyleGets or sets the row headers style on WebGridTable.  
public PropertyRowHeaderWidthSpecifies the width of RowHeader in Unit.  
public PropertyRowHeightDefaultSpecifies the default row height in Unit.  
public PropertyRowLayoutSpecifies the row's rendering layout mode.  
public PropertyRowsGets the collection of WebGridRow objects.  
public PropertyRowStyleGets or sets the style applied to the row.  
public PropertySelectedRowStyleGets or sets the style applied to the selected row.  
public PropertySelfReferencingSettingsGets or sets a collection of settings that replicate WebGrid's SelfReference feature.  
public PropertySortedColumnsGets the collection of WebGridGroup objects.  
public PropertySortedColumnStyleGets or sets the WebGridColumn style when sorted.  
public PropertyTableHeaderStyleGets or sets the style applied to table header.  
public PropertyTableHeaderVisibleDetermines whether or not to display table header.  
public PropertyTableLevelReturns the deep level of the current object from Hierarchy structure.  
public PropertyTreeNodeFieldGets or sets the data field to be used when the WebGrid is configured to use TreeView mode (bound to XmlDataSource control)  
public PropertyUseValueListForSortingIndicates whether the value list data should be used for sorting a column.  

Public Methods

public MethodClone (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodCopyFromOverloaded.  (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodCreateRowCreates a new WebGridRow instance based on the structure of this table.  
public MethodCustomDeserializeThis method is not intended to be called directly. It is used internally for control developers.  
public MethodCustomSerializeThis method is not intended to be called directly. It is used internally for control developers.  
public MethodDeSerializeObjectData (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodDispatchDataTableFromDataSourceGets an instance of DataTable object of this WebGridTable from WebGrid's datasource.  
public MethodGetAggregatedDataKeyFields  
public MethodGetChanges  
public MethodGetCheckedRowsReturns the checked rows for the WebGridTable.  
public MethodGetCombinedSortExpression  
public MethodGetCompositeDataKeyFieldsGets the data key fields specified in DataTable structure of this table.  
public MethodGetCompositeDataKeyFieldsString  
public MethodGetExpandedChildRows  
public MethodGetObjectDataOverridden.   
public MethodGetUngrouppedRows  
public MethodIsEmpty (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodIsKeyValueEqual  
public MethodPerformAutomaticAggregation  
public MethodReindexColumnsPosition  
public MethodReset (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodRetrieveHierarchicalStructureRetrieves child table's structure that contained in the WebGridTable object.  
public MethodRetrieveStructureProvides a convenient way to retrieve Column's structure from assigned DataSource and Table's DataMember.  
public MethodSerializeObjectData (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodSetLayout  
public MethodSortOverloaded.   
public MethodToString  
public MethodUpdateRowIdentityUpdates and maps new identity of successive row inserts to intermediate objects in the data source. This method is required for traditional and custom object binding.  
public MethodUpdateToDataSourceControl  

See Also

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