Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
WebGridColumn Class Members
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ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid Namespace : WebGridColumn Class

The following tables list the members exposed by WebGridColumn.

Public Constructors

public ConstructorWebGridColumn ConstructorOverloaded.   

Public Properties

public PropertyAggregateFunctionGets or sets the aggregate function which result will be shown in total rows or group total rows for a column.  
public PropertyAllowGroupingSpecifies whether or not to allow users group columns from within WebGrid.  
public PropertyAllowMultiLineSpecifies whether cells that belong to this column can display multiple lines of data.  
public PropertyAllowSizingSpecifies whether or not to allow users resize the column's width.  
public PropertyAllowSortingSpecifies whether or not to allow users sort columns from within WebGrid.  
public PropertyBoundSpecifies whether the column is bound to the DataColumn of DataSource.  
public PropertyButtonAutoPostbackGets or sets whether postback should be automatically performed on button click.  
public PropertyButtonImageGets or sets the image of the button when the ColumnType of the WebGridColumn is set to ButtonImage.  
public PropertyButtonPostbackModeGets or sets whether the postback should be performed by using OnTheFly or FullPagePostback mode when a button is clicked.  
public PropertyButtonStyleThe style applied to the button object of WebGridColumn which Type is Button.  
public PropertyButtonTextGets or sets the default button's text of column which ColumnType is Button.  
public PropertyCanAddToChartCategoriesDetermines whether this column can be added to Chart Categories Zone.  
public PropertyCanAddToChartDataDetermines whether this column can be added to Chart Data Zone.  
public PropertyCanAddToChartFilterDetermines whether this column can be added to Chart Filter Zone.  
public PropertyCanAddToChartSeriesDetermines whether this column can be added to Chart Series Zone.  
public PropertyCaptionGets or sets the text displayed in the column's heading area.  
public PropertyCaseSensitiveGroupingSpecifies whether the grouping should be case sensitive when comparing text values.  
public PropertyCellImageGets or sets the image filename that will be displayed in cells that belong to this column.  
public PropertyCellStyleGets or sets the style applied to the cells of this column.  
public PropertyCellTemplateGets or sets the template applied to the cells of this column.  
public PropertyCollection (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.NamedObjectBase)
public PropertyColumnTypeGets or sets the type of the column that control how the column content will be rendered.  
public PropertyCustomAggregateResultGets the custom aggregate result for the Grid's column footer.  
public PropertyCustomEditorNameGets the type of custom editor name for Grid's column.  
public PropertyCustomEditorPropertiesGets or sets the control specific properties to be used in a custom editor.  
public PropertyCustomEditorServerIdGets or sets the ID of a server side control when used in custom editor.  
public PropertyDataFormatStringGets or sets the string format to use when rendering values.  
public PropertyDataMemberGets or sets the name of the data column for which its data value will be displayed.  
public PropertyDefaultFilterType  
public PropertyDefaultTextSpecifies the default text of this column when new row is added.  
public PropertyDefaultValueGets or sets the default value of the column when new row is added.  
public PropertyEditInfoImageGets or sets the image to be displayed in status bar when the cell of this column is being edited.  
public PropertyEditInfoTextGets or sets the text to be displayed in status bar when the cell of this column is being edited.  
public PropertyEditTypeGets or sets the edit control for the column.  
public PropertyFilterEditTypeGets or sets the filter edit type for this column.  
public PropertyFilterKeyFieldGets or sets the filter key field for WebGridFilter object.  
public PropertyFooterStyleGets or sets the style applied to the column's footer.  
public PropertyFooterTextGets or sets the text that will be displayed in column's footer, before the result calculated based on AggregateFunction.  
public PropertyFooterValue  
public PropertyGroupEmptyStringGets or sets the text displayed in a group row when the value grouped is an empty string or null.  
public PropertyGroupIntervalGets or sets a value that determines how groups should be calculated.  
public PropertyGroupRowInfoFormatGets or sets the string format for the group row's info.  
public PropertyGroupRowValueFormatStringGets or sets the string format for the group row's value.  
public PropertyHasValueList  
public PropertyHeaderImageGets or sets the image that will be displayed in column heading's area before the Caption.  
public PropertyHeaderStyleGets or sets the style applied to the row.  
public PropertyHeaderTooltipGets or sets the tool tip text that will be displayed when users hover on column heading's area.  
public PropertyHiddenDataMemberGets or sets the hidden data member to be rendered along with this column.  
public PropertyHtmlHeadersGets or sets the headers attribute of this column. Applicable only in 508 standards mode.  
public PropertyHtmlScopeGets or sets the scope attribute for the header of this column. Applicable only in 508 standards mode.  
public PropertyHtmlUniqueIdGets or sets the unique id of this column. Applicable only in 508 standards mode.  
public PropertyHyperlinkCustomTargetGets or sets the custom window/frame name used for the hyperlink target.  
public PropertyHyperlinkDisplayTextGets or sets the text used for the hyperlink's display.  
public PropertyHyperlinkFormatStringGets or sets the formatting string used to render the hyperlink's href.  
public PropertyHyperlinkTargetGets or sets the target of this hyperlink column.  
public PropertyImageFormatStringGets or sets the formatting string used to render the image's src.  
public PropertyInputRequiredSpecifies whether user input is required for the cell of this column during editing mode.  
public PropertyInputRequiredErrorTextGets or sets the error message text that displayed in error image's tooltip when input is required.  
public PropertyIsAutoIncrement  
public PropertyIsAutoWidthGets or sets whether this column is an auto width column.  
public PropertyIsRowCheckerGets or sets whether this column should act as row checker.  
public PropertyIsRowHeader  
public PropertyMaxHeightGets or sets the maximum height for this column.  
public PropertyNameOverridden. Gets or sets the name of the column.  
public PropertyNewRowEditTypeGets or sets the edit type used in new row for this column.  
public PropertyNullTextGets or sets the text that will be displayed when a cell value is null or System.DBNull.  
public PropertyPositionGets the Position of the column.  
public PropertyShowInChartFieldListGets or sets a boolean value indicating whether this field should be displayed in Field list.  
public PropertyShowInSelectColumnsSpecifies whether the column will be shown in Select Columns menu.  
public PropertySortKeyFieldGets or sets the sort key field for SortColumn.  
public PropertyTableGets the WebGridTable object of which the column belongs to.  
public PropertyTagGets or sets custom data associated for this column.  
public PropertyTextboxMaxlengthGets or sets the maximum length of the TextBox Edit control.  
public PropertyTreatMarkupAsLiteralText  
public PropertyUseValueListForSortingIndicates whether the value list data should be used for sorting a column.  
public PropertyValueListGets or sets the WebValueList object of the column.  
public PropertyVisibleGets or sets whether the column will be rendered.  
public PropertyWebComboIDGets or sets the WebCombo.NET™ instance's ID associated with this column.  
public PropertyWidthGets or sets the width of the column in Unit.  

Public Methods

public MethodClone (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodCopyFromOverloaded.  (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodCustomDeserializeThis method is not intended to be called directly. It is used internally for control developers.  
public MethodCustomSerializeThis method is not intended to be called directly. It is used internally for control developers.  
public MethodDeSerializeObjectData (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodGetObjectDataOverridden.   
public MethodIsEmpty (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodReset (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodSerializeObjectData (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodToString  

See Also

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