| Name | Description |
| AcceptChangesImage | Specifies the image used to indicate accept changes command. |
| AddedRowIndicator | Specifies the image used to indicate added row, when batch update mode is enabled. |
| CollapseImage | Specifies the collapse image file. |
| ColumnActionImage | Specifies the image used for column action indicator. |
| ColumnPointerImage | Specifies the pointer image used to identify column's position when dragged from column headers or group columns. |
| CurrentRowImage | Specifies the image that represent the current selected/active row. |
| DeletedRowIndicator | Specifies the images used to indicate deleted row, when batch update is enabled. |
| EditImage | Specifies the image that represent the current row being edited. |
| ExpandImage | Specifies the expand image file. |
| ExportImage | Specifies the export image filename. |
| FailedImage | Specifies the image used to indicate unsuccessful operation. |
| FilteredImage | Specifies the image that indicate filtered status. |
| FilterImage | Specifies the filter image file. |
| Folder | Specifies the folder of all images. |
| GotoImage | Specifies the image for jump-to-record function. |
| GridViewImage | Specifies the image used to indicate grid view mode. |
| HelpImage | Specifies the image file for Help command. |
| InProgressImage | Specifies the image that will be displayed when WebGrid is in progress processing request. |
| ModifiedRowIndicator | Specifies the image used to indicate modified row, when the batch update mode is enabled. |
| MoreDataImage | Specifies the image that represent the Load more data functionality. |
| NewRowImage | Specifies the image to represent new row. |
| PagingDropdown | Specifies the image used to indicate dropdown arrow in paging function. |
| PagingMoveFirst | Specifies the image used to indicate move first command in paging function. |
| PagingMoveLast | Specifies the image used to indicate last command in paging function. |
| PagingMoveNext | Specifies the image used to indicate next command in paging function. |
| PagingMovePrevious | Specifies the image used to indicate previous command in paging function. |
| PagingSliderMinus | Specifies the image used to display the minus command when paging style is set to Slider. |
| PagingSliderPlus | Specifies the image used to display the plus command when paging style is set to Slider. |
| PendingChangesImage | Specifies the image used to indicate unsaved pending changes, when batch update mode is enabled. |
| PivotChartViewImage | Specifies the image used to indicate grid view mode. |
| PreviewRowCollapseImage | Specifies the preview row collapse image. |
| PreviewRowExpandImage | Specifies the preview row expand image. |
| ReadOnlyImage | Specifies the image used to indicate readonly cell in editing mode. |
| RefreshImage | Specifies the refresh image. |
| RequiredImage | Specifies the image used to display required user input indicator. |
| ReviewChangesImage | Specifies the image used to indicate review changes command. |
| SliderThumbImage | Specifies the image used to display the slider thumb for classic paging UI. |
| SortAscImage | Specifies the sort ascending image. |
| SortDescImage | Specifies the sort descending image. |
| StatusBarSeparatorImage | Specifies the status bar separator's image. |
| SuccessImage | Specifies the image used to indicate successful operation. |
| UndoChangesImage | Specifies the image used to indicate accept changes command |
| UnfilteredImage | Specifies the image that indicate unfiltered status. |
| WarningImage | Specifies the image used to indicate a warning during certain operation. |