Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
ImageSettings Class Members
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ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid Namespace : ImageSettings Class

The following tables list the members exposed by ImageSettings.

Public Constructors

public ConstructorImageSettings Constructor  

Public Properties

public PropertyAcceptChangesImageSpecifies the image used to indicate accept changes command.   
public PropertyAddedRowIndicatorSpecifies the image used to indicate added row, when batch update mode is enabled.   
public PropertyCollapseImageSpecifies the collapse image file.  
public PropertyColumnActionImageSpecifies the image used for column action indicator.  
public PropertyColumnPointerImageSpecifies the pointer image used to identify column's position when dragged from column headers or group columns.  
public PropertyCurrentRowImageSpecifies the image that represent the current selected/active row.  
public PropertyDeletedRowIndicatorSpecifies the images used to indicate deleted row, when batch update is enabled.  
public PropertyEditImageSpecifies the image that represent the current row being edited.  
public PropertyExpandImageSpecifies the expand image file.  
public PropertyExportImageSpecifies the export image filename.  
public PropertyFailedImageSpecifies the image used to indicate unsuccessful operation.    
public PropertyFilteredImageSpecifies the image that indicate filtered status.    
public PropertyFilterImageSpecifies the filter image file.  
public PropertyFolderSpecifies the folder of all images.  
public PropertyGotoImageSpecifies the image for jump-to-record function.  
public PropertyGridViewImageSpecifies the image used to indicate grid view mode.  
public PropertyHelpImageSpecifies the image file for Help command.  
public PropertyInProgressImageSpecifies the image that will be displayed when WebGrid is in progress processing request.  
public PropertyModifiedRowIndicatorSpecifies the image used to indicate modified row, when the batch update mode is enabled.  
public PropertyMoreDataImageSpecifies the image that represent the Load more data functionality.  
public PropertyNewRowImageSpecifies the image to represent new row.  
public PropertyPagingDropdownSpecifies the image used to indicate dropdown arrow in paging function.    
public PropertyPagingMoveFirstSpecifies the image used to indicate move first command in paging function.    
public PropertyPagingMoveLastSpecifies the image used to indicate last command in paging function.    
public PropertyPagingMoveNextSpecifies the image used to indicate next command in paging function.    
public PropertyPagingMovePreviousSpecifies the image used to indicate previous command in paging function.    
public PropertyPagingSliderMinusSpecifies the image used to display the minus command when paging style is set to Slider.    
public PropertyPagingSliderPlusSpecifies the image used to display the plus command when paging style is set to Slider.    
public PropertyPendingChangesImageSpecifies the image used to indicate unsaved pending changes, when batch update mode is enabled.   
public PropertyPivotChartViewImageSpecifies the image used to indicate grid view mode.    
public PropertyPreviewRowCollapseImageSpecifies the preview row collapse image.  
public PropertyPreviewRowExpandImageSpecifies the preview row expand image.  
public PropertyReadOnlyImageSpecifies the image used to indicate readonly cell in editing mode.    
public PropertyRefreshImageSpecifies the refresh image.  
public PropertyRequiredImageSpecifies the image used to display required user input indicator.    
public PropertyReviewChangesImageSpecifies the image used to indicate review changes command.   
public PropertySliderThumbImageSpecifies the image used to display the slider thumb for classic paging UI.    
public PropertySortAscImageSpecifies the sort ascending image.  
public PropertySortDescImageSpecifies the sort descending image.  
public PropertyStatusBarSeparatorImageSpecifies the status bar separator's image.    
public PropertySuccessImageSpecifies the image used to indicate successful operation.    
public PropertyUndoChangesImageSpecifies the image used to indicate accept changes command   
public PropertyUnfilteredImageSpecifies the image that indicate unfiltered status.    
public PropertyWarningImageSpecifies the image used to indicate a warning during certain operation.    

Public Methods

public MethodClone (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodCopyFromOverloaded.  (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodDeSerializeObjectData (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodGetObjectDataOverridden. This method is not intended to be called directly. It is used internally for control developers.  
public MethodIsEmpty (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodReset (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodSerializeObjectData (Inherited from ISNet.WebUI.WebUIBaseClass)
public MethodToString  

See Also

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