Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
Walkthrough: Configuring Hierarchical CheckBox behavior
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Glossary Item Box

This walkthrough will show how to configure a hierarchical check box.

During this walkthrough, you will learn how to do the following :


In order to complete this walkthrough, you will need the following:

  • Access to the Microsoft Access NorthWind database.
  • Visual Studio 2005 Application.

 Step-By-Step Instructions

  1. Bind WebGrid Hierarchical to ISDataSource.
  2. In the PrepareDataBinding event, use the following code to retrieve the structure and add isRowChecker columns.

  3. C# Copy ImageCopy Code
    private void WebGrid1_PrepareDataBinding(object sender,
    ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.DataSourceEventArgs e)
    // Add a checkbox column in the root table
    // as well as in the child table
    // Configure the checkbox column as the RowChecker


    WebGridColumn col = new WebGridColumn("chk1", "chk1");
    col.Bound = false;
    col.IsRowChecker = true;
    WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns.Insert(0, col);

    col = new WebGridColumn("chk2", "chk2");
    col.Bound = false;
    col.IsRowChecker = true;
    WebGrid1.GetTableByName("Orders").Columns.Insert(0, col);

  4. Invoke the Initialize Layout server side event to call the onCheckBoxClick clientside event.

  5. C# Copy Code
    private void WebGrid1_InitializeLayout(object sender, ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.LayoutEventArgs e)
            // Attach a client side event on 'OnCheckBoxClick' event
            e.Layout.ClientSideEvents.OnCheckBoxClick = "DoCheckBoxClick";

  6. Following is the code for the DoCheckBoxClick function clientside javascript to call the onCheckBoxClick.

    JavaScript Copy ImageCopy Code
    function DoCheckBoxClick(gridId, tblName, colName, checkBoxValue)
        // obtain WebGrid object
        var grid = ISGetObject(gridId);
        // obtain the current WebGridRow object of
        // the checked row
        var row = grid.Tables[tblName].ToRowObject(grid.CheckedRowContext);
        // only run the below function
        // when the current root table is "Customers"
        // and there is minimum one 
        // child table under the "Customers" table
        if(tblName == "Customers" && row.Table.ChildTables.length > 0)
            // check whether the child row has been expanded or not
                // utilize synchronous mode of WebGrid
                // so that all child rows can be 
                // obtained in the same code flow
                // obtain the WebGridRow collection of the child table
                var childRows = row.GetChildRows("Orders");
                // loop all the rows and check all rows if the parent row is checked
                // or uncheck all rows if the parent row is unchecked
                for(var i=0; i<childRows.length; i++)
                // obtain the WebGridRow collection of the child table
                var childRows = row.GetChildRows("Orders");
                // loop all the rows and check all rows if the parent row is checked
                // or uncheck all rows if the parent row is unchecked
                for(var i=0; i<childRows.length; i++)
        return true;                    

  7. Run the project and the WebGrid will look like following.

See Also

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