Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
DynARInfo Class Members
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ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid Namespace : DynARInfo Class

The following tables list the members exposed by DynARInfo.

Public Constructors

public ConstructorDynARInfo ConstructorOverloaded.   

Public Fields

public FieldApplicationPathSpecifies virtual application path for current webgrid .  
public FieldDeleteOutputFileTimeSpecifies how many minutes the temporary report file is cached (before deleted).  
public FieldDynMarginsSpecifies the printed page margins.  
public FieldDynPageOrientationSpecifies the paper orientation.  
public FieldDynPaperKindSpecifies the standard paper sizes for dynamic active report.  
public FieldDynReportCaptionsSpecifies report captions, like DateCaption, DateCaptionFormat, PageCountCaption and PageCountCaptionFormat.  
public FieldEnableValueListDetermines whether WebGrid value list for WebGridColumn text is render instead of WebGridColumn value.  
public FieldHtmlTitleSpecifies report html report title (html title in title htmltag).  
public FieldIISReportPathSpecifies virtual report path for temporary report file.  
public FieldIsAlwaysShowTimeSpecifies time information is showed at page header  
public FieldIsAlwaysShowTotalPageSpecifies total calculation is showed at report footer.  
public FieldIsEnableDataFormatStringSpecifies data format string is used when WebGridColumn has it.  
public FieldIsShowParentSpecifies report header info is showed.  
public FieldOutputFileFormatSpecifies the format of file.  
public FieldReportPathSpecifies physical report path for temporary report file.  
public FieldUseCellMergingForExcelReportDetermines whether exporting for Excel report uses cell merging (whether cells should be merged together where applicable).  

Public Properties

public PropertyCacheToDiskWrite temporary cache to disk instead of using memory.  
public PropertyCacheToDiskLocationCustomize the folder to store the cache.  
public PropertyDisablePagingSpecifies report paging is disabled.  
public PropertyDynFontsSpecifies report fonts, like TitleFont, HeaderFont, DetailFont, etc.  
public PropertyExportAllSelfReferencingRows  
public PropertyReportNameSpecifies report file name.  
public PropertyReportTypeSpecifies report file type, like : excel, html, pdf, rtf, text, tiff, and xml.  
public PropertyReportTypeExtensionSpecifies report file type extension, like : .xls, .html, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .tiff, and .xml.  

See Also

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