WebTextEditor - Value in TextEditor Section

1 reply. Last post: March 18, 2011 2:41 AM by Yudi
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I have a WebGrid cell containing data made up of text and html markup (tags, urls, links, images, etc) from a sql database table.

When I use WebTextEditor as custom editor in WebGrid, everything in the grid cell, including html and images, is returned in the editor (see image 1).  But when I copy the grid cell content in a section of a standalone WebTextEditor, only plain text is copied from the grid to the editor section (see image 2), because the client side method used only calls for Text.

How can I modify this code to copy everything (text and html markup) from the grid cell to the editor, so that I can use WebtextEditor interchangeably in custom editor in Webgrid or standalone modes to edit the same data?  



        function doSomething () {

            var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1");

            var rte = ISGetObject("textEditor");

            var selectedObject = grid.GetSelectedObject           

            if (selectedObject != null) {

                var selectedRow = selectedObject.ToRowObject();

                var cells = selectedRow.GetCells();

                rte.SetValue(cells.GetNamedItem("GridCellName").Text, "EditorSectionName");



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