Multiple SpellCheckers

15 replies. Last post: January 14, 2010 2:41 AM by Handy Surya
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Thanks in advance for any help, 

I have a repeater creating textboxes and i need to have them all spellchecked so i create a spell check button for every text box and programmatically create the Spell Checker, (i'm not aware that i can use one spell checker for more than one control)

Here is my code: .cs (  on the ItemDataBound event of the repeater)

Panel pnl = (Panel)e.Item.FindControl("pnlSpellCheck");
WebSpellChecker wsCheck = new WebSpellChecker { ID = "wsCheck" e.Item.ItemIndex, TargetControlId = txtTextBox.UniqueID, Height = 500, Width = 700, TargetControlIdValue = "value", CssClass = "SpellCheck" };
WebButton btn = (WebButton)pnl.FindControl("btnSpellCheck");
btn.OnClientClick = "CheckSpell('" e.Item.ItemIndex "')";


function CheckSpell(id) {
var sp = ISGetObject("wsCheck" id);
return false;

 Markup: (inside a repeater)

<asp:Panel id="pnlSpellCheck" runat="server">
<ISWebDesktop:WebButton ID="btnSpellCheck" runat="server" Height="20px" OnClientClick="CheckSpell"
Text="Spell Check" Width="150px">
<Normal CssClass="FPB-Button-N">
<Over CssClass="FPB-Button-O">
<Active CssClass="FPB-Button-A">


I get a javascript popup:

An error occurred: 

<the page source>

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