Navigation Bugs And Event Function Not Working In Month View

11 replies. Last post: February 8, 2010 10:36 PM by Glenn Layaar
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In the new R2 Version the following issues I have found. They work fine in the old version.

Please visit the following urls for a demo project and a video:

1) WebScheduler1.GetClientAction() doesnt work in the new upraded R2 version now. It works fine in the pervious version.

2) In the Month View the navigation arrows for moving between the months returns javascript error ws03f34 is undefined ISRes.axd. This error is not occuring if I activate the Day View and Week View in the WebScheduler.

3) The following client side function not working: webScheduler1.Calendar.SetSelectedDate(PeriodStarDate); 
event functions are attached through the following two settings.

OnForwardNavigation="DoForwardNavi"  OnBackNavigation="DoBackNavi"

check the javascript funcitons below.

 function DoForwardNavi(ControlID, ViewType, CurrentDate, PeriodStarDate, PeriodEndDate)
           // alert(PeriodStarDate - );
            var WbSchdlr = ISGetObject("wbSchdlr");
            WbSchdlr.AddInput("year", PeriodStarDate.getFullYear().toString());
            WbSchdlr.AddInput("month", (PeriodStarDate.getMonth() + 1).toString());
            WbSchdlr.AddInput("day", PeriodStarDate.getDate().toString());
            WbSchdlr.ViewSettings.SelectedDate = PeriodStarDate;
            return false;
        function DoBackNavi(ControlID, ViewType, CurrentDate, PeriodStarDate, PeriodEndDate)
            var WbSchdlr = ISGetObject("wbSchdlr");
            WbSchdlr.AddInput("year", PeriodStarDate.getFullYear().toString());
            WbSchdlr.AddInput("month", (PeriodStarDate.getMonth() + 1).toString());
            WbSchdlr.AddInput("day", PeriodStarDate.getDate().toString());
            WbSchdlr.ViewSettings.SelectedDate = PeriodStarDate;
            return false;


I'm not able to upgarde my project because of the above issues.

Please consider the above issues as urgent. Prompt reply will be appreaciated!



Shahjahan Ansari

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