Multiple Query

8 replies. Last post: February 23, 2012 9:10 AM by Frank Gary
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Frank GaryMember


I have added a dropdown list to my webscheduler named "Display Mode". There are only two options; Summary or Details. The option list can either be a named list or listed from a database. Currently I have the dropdown list bound to a database field.

In my Intersoft_DataSet I have added a second query to the events table. There are two queries total, one is the native Events data query, (Details), and my new query, (Summary).

My question is, how can I invoke the Events "Details" query when a user selects "Details" from my dropdown list, and how can I invoke the Events "Summary" query when a user selects "Summary" from my dropdown list?

I have tried every possible configuration but cant seem to get the Events queries to invoke depending on what the user selects from the "Display Mode" dropdown.

I have attached a screen shot image, please look at the "Display Mode" dropdown.

I simply want to change what data the Events table displays based on whether the user has selected "Detail" or "Summary" from the "Display Mode" dropdown.

Can you please help?



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