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Can I change table's name ?For example: change Event's name to A
Does this mean that in your physical database the table name of “Categories”; “Events”; “Resources”; etc are not named as “Categories”; “Events”; “Resources” (but named as, for example: "MyCategories"; "MyEvents"; or "MyResources"?
If it’s correct, then the answer is yes, you can name your Categories table to your desired name; as well as the other table. All you need to do is set the CategoriesDataMember; RecurrenceDataMember; EventsDataMember; RecurringEventsDataMember; and ResourcesDataMember property to the proper table of yours.
Hope this helps.
Hi Gao Yixin,
When you said change Event's name to 'A', does it refer to change a "New Event" caption into something else? If that so, here is the snippet to do so. We will need a client side event of OnEditingFormShow, then we will need to set a timeout right before the editing form is showing up.
window.setTimeout(function() { ISGetObject("dlgEditing").Window.SetCaption("Add New Event"); }, 10);
I hope it meets your scenario. If not, please provide me with more information that meets your scenario. Thank you and have a nice day.
Best Regards,
Andi Santoso
Hi ,Andi ,
sorry,maybe i don't describeit clearly,i mean that i want to change table's name ,these tables are in datasource.for example:Categories change to A,Events change to B,RecurrenceInfo change to C,Resources change to D.
Yixin Gao
Hi,Yudi ,
thank you !
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