WebInput date problems

3 replies. Last post: November 8, 2009 9:15 PM by Glenn Layaar
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There are still bugs in WebInput ddl 216. I've created videos of the problems and a video of the Windows Date and Time Properties dialog. I would expect that the WebInput would work in a similar fashion. That is changing the month doesn't affect day (with the exception that the day must be a valid day), year and time. Video1 shows how the Date and Time Properties work.

Video2 demonstrates problems in the WebInput. Changing the month affects the year. Changing the day affects the month, year and even changes AM/PM.

Now let's change the hour. See video3. At the beginning the hour is scrolled and the month, day, year change. Then i set the date to 12/31/2009 and scrolled the hour down and then up and you see the date change to 01/01/2010. i didn't pass midnight and was surprised at this action. It took a couple of tries to reproduce it.

In video4 I set the hour to 12 PM and scroll the month. Scrolling up seems okay but watch what happens when you scroll down. The day keeps changing and AM/PM flip flops.

Last in video5 I test the MaxDate which is set to "12/31/9998 23:59:59". Now you would expect this to work since this is the default. No surprise here as you now would expect -- it fails. You can't get past "01:33:15 PM" in my case.

Please fix the function so that it performs in the same fashion as the Date and Time properties. That is:

  1. You can scroll the month between 1 and 12 but not beyond. The day doesn't change except that it remains a valid day in the month. i.e. 31 is changed to 30 if the month only has 30 days. (For fun set the date to 02/29/2008 and scroll the month down slowly.)
  2. You can scroll the day between 1 and the last day of the month but not beyond.
  3. Scroll the year should work between min and max year.
  4. You can scroll the month between 1 and 12 (or 1 and 24) but not beyond. 
  5. You can scroll the minutes and seconds between 1 and 59 and not beyond.
Last but not least the zip file contains the test files.

[Edited by Moderator at 11/6/2009: Removed unnecessary sentences to comply the agreed SLA]
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