Unable to reselect date (drop down) for linked input

1 reply. Last post: January 30, 2011 10:56 PM by Gordon Tumewu
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Fung InterMember


I am trying to make a linked date input for my project, and so I find the sample below:


(for the Linked Input) The date drop down will not response after I selecting both date, until I clicked the quick select date. Is this a design of linked input?

Would there be any way to let the user to use the date drop down after the above senario (drop down is always show after user click the drop down button) ?

Thanks and Regards,


Extra Information:
Steps to reproduce (Linked Input):
1. use drop down to select the first WebInput's Date.
2. use drop down to select the second WebInput's Date.
3. click on the drop down button, there should be no response.
4. drop down will be re-activate after on of the below method.
    - clicking the quick select date
    - manually input date into one of the WebInput


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