how to update pager

1 reply. Last post: November 2, 2010 11:27 PM by Niven Prasetya
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Hello InterSoft,

We have WebGrid 7 with pager control of pagingTypeUI "Slider". It works fine during pagination but doesn't work when we repopulate grid with different layout.    Example: Layout "1" has 650 records (100 records per page) --> Slider display max 7 pages (it is correct). When we populate  Layout "2" which has 950 records, we expect that Slider should display 10 pages (100 records per page), but it still display 7 pages (not correct). How to forse a pager to update itself in a way  that slider display correct number of pages.

I have tried to execute grid.SynchronizeSliderUI();  from WebGrid_OnAfterResponseProcess(), but it didn't make any change. What would you suggest to forse to update Slider in paging control of pagingtype "Slider"

 Thank you very much,


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