client side don't get the updated values of culture set in server side

3 replies. Last post: September 15, 2009 2:41 AM by Gordon Tumewu
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Hi to support,

I have set in the WebGrid, the culture from external system and the NumberFormat of culture customized (server side in the InitializeLayout method):

//set the culture in the grid
((WebGrid)sender).LayoutSettings.Culture = ci;
//Set in the Grid the numberformat customized
NumberFormatInfo numberFormatGrid = ((WebGrid)sender).LayoutSettings.Culture.NumberFormat;
            numberFormatGrid.CurrencyDecimalDigits = currencyDecimalPrecision;
            numberFormatGrid.CurrencyDecimalSeparator = decimalSymbol;
            numberFormatGrid.CurrencyGroupSeparator = numberSeparator;
            numberFormatGrid.CurrencySymbol = currencySymbol;

in the WebGrid grafically seems OK (I see the currency in the correct way).

When client side, I try to get the currency format values set in the webGrid:

var currency = ISGetObject("WebGrid1").CultureInfo.NumberFormatInfo.Currency;
var currencySymbol = currency.Symbol;
var decimalDigit = currency.Positive.DecimalDigit;
var decimalSeparator = currency.Positive.DecimalSeparator;
var groupSeparator = currency.Positive.GroupSeparator;
var inputSeparator = decimalSeparator;

I get the old values and not the values updated in server side, why ?
How can I get the updated values ?


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