Webgrid - Unhandled Exception - Unable to communicate with server

2 replies. Last post: November 12, 2009 10:42 PM by Glenn Layaar
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Jack BeaudryMember

Under a couple different scenarios, my users are seeing a window open with the title: WebGrid.NET Enterprise Version 6.0

Unhandled Exception

Unable to communicate with server.


This occurs when the user clicks the same heading twice to sort the contents of the Webgrid.

This also occurs when the user deletes to rows or the last rows in a grid.

Any clues of what I might be doing wrong or what might cause this?

Using C#, ASP.NET, Webgrid is in a user control.  Straightforward grid, not heirarchical. Just display a number of rows


<ISWebGrid:WebGrid ID="DocumentGrid" runat="server" Height="200px" UseDefaultStyle="true"

Width="800px" OnInitializeRow="DocumentGrid_InitializeRow" OnDeleteRow="DocumentGrid_DeleteRow" >

<LayoutSettings StatusBarVisible="false" AllowDelete="Yes" RowHeaders="No" AllowAddNew="No" AllowContextMenu="false" AllowGrouping="No" >


<RootTable DataKeyField="DOCUMENT_ID" AllowColumnMove="No"

AllowSelectColumns="No" AllowSorting="Yes" AutomaticSort="true" RowHeaderWidth="0">


<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="DOCUMENT_VIEWER" Name="Icon" Caption="Type"

Width="20px" ColumnType="Image" >


<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Description" DataMember="UPLOAD_DESCRIPTION" Name="Description"

Width="100%" ColumnType="HyperLink" AllowSorting="Yes" >


<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Filename" DataMember="FILENAME" Name="Filename" AllowSorting="Yes" Visible="false"



<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Date" DataMember="CREATION_DATE" Name="Date" AllowSorting="Yes"



<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Type" DataMember="DOCUMENT_TYPE_NAME" Name="Type" AllowSorting="Yes"



<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Web Access" Name="WebAccess" DataMember="WEB_ACCESS" AllowSorting="Yes"

Width="75px" ColumnType="ImageAndText">

<HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />

<CellStyle HorizontalAlign="Center"></CellStyle>


<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Delete" Name="Delete" Width="50px" AllowSorting="No" ColumnType="Image" >

<HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />

<CellStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" ></CellStyle>





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