Webflypostbackmanager with InitialiseCulture

7 replies. Last post: August 21, 2009 5:18 AM by Gordon Tumewu
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Xedem Member

Webflypostback doesnt update webgrid, when initialiseculture is applied in a page. Design code

 <ISWebDesktop:WebFlyPostBackManager ID="wfpmBlocks" runat="server">
<FlyPostBackSettings PostControlState="True" PostHiddenFields="True" PostInputControls="True"

The vbcode applied in pageload is as follows

listener = New WebFlyPostBackListener(Me)
wfpmBlocks.ServiceUrl = "PatientFileGeneral.aspx" & Request.Url.Query

Now the code for webflypostbackmanager

 <WebFlyPostBackMethod()> Public Sub RebindBlockDet(ByVal blkId As String, ByVal extraUpdate As Integer)
CType(divBlkCont.FindControl(blkId), Global.ASP.global_asax.INewDataBlock).BuildData()
Dim dataBlock As Table = divBlkCont.FindControl(blkId).FindControl("tblBlock")
Dim patHead As Table = PatFileHeader1.FindControl("tblWarning")
If (extraUpdate = 1) Then
ElseIf (extraUpdate = 2) Then
For Each xBlk As String In alMainGoal
CType(divBlkCont.FindControl(xBlk), Global.ASP.global_asax.INewDataBlock).BuildData()
Dim xtraBlock As Table = divBlkCont.FindControl(xBlk).FindControl("tblBlock")
End If
End Sub

My page contains several webgrids created dynamically with different functionalities. in the edit mode of the page the data entered by the user is taken to either edit or delete or update the the rows in the corresponding webgrid. This functionality works fine if am not using initialiseculture event in my page. With the event applied, the asynchronous postback occurs, but the  is skipped. so that am unable to get the functionality. The following is the code for initialiseculture


Protected Overrides Sub InitializeCulture()
If Session("sesiUser") Is Nothing Then
End If
UICulture = Session("sesLang").ToString.Trim()
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = New CultureInfo(Session("sesLang").ToString.Trim())
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = New CultureInfo(Session("sesCulture").ToString.Trim())
Catch ex As Exception
lblError.Visible = True
lblError.Text = GetGlobalResourceObject("SYS_MSG", "wm111").ToString
End Try
End Sub

 So what should be done inorder to make webflypostbackmanager to work when initialiseculture is used.





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