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Im using the latest release of WebTreeview from WebUI Studio 2009. (dlls from 23d Nov. 2011). I put the TreeView on a WebPane in a WebPaneManager. I set the treeview with and height properties to "100%". Both in IE and Chrome this works fine. But in Firefox (version 15.0.1) the treeview does not resize verticaly with the WebPane when the pane is resized either manualy (using the WebPaneManager Sliders) or when the browser window is resized resulting in a pane resize. Below is the code from my aspx file. Is there any solution to this?
<ISWebDesktop:WebPaneManager ID="c_wpmPaneManager" runat="server" Height="100%" Width="100%" EnableTheming="true"> <RootGroupPane GroupType="VerticalTile" Name="rootGroupPane"> <Panes> <ISWebDesktop:WebGroupPane Name="groupPaneLeft" WidthValue="20%" Width="Custom"> <Panes> <ISWebDesktop:WebPane HeaderVisible="Yes" AllowCollapse="No" Name="paneTree" HeightValue="70%" Height="Custom" CaptionDisplayMode="UseTemplate" HeaderAppearance="UseSubStyle" ContentScrollable="false"> <HeaderTemplate> <asp:Image ID="Image3" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/Icons/Tree.ico" /> System Tree </HeaderTemplate> <ContentTemplate> <ISWebTreeView:WebTreeView ID="c_treeView" runat="server" EnableManagedTheming="false" Width="100%" Height="100%" EnableLoadOnDemand="true" OnInitializeChildNodes="TreeView_OnInitializeChildNodes"> <ClientSideEvents OnNodeSelect="c_treeView_OnNodeSelect" /> <FrameStyle BorderColor="White" /> <NodeSettings EnableAnimation="True" /> </ISWebTreeView:WebTreeView> </ContentTemplate> </ISWebDesktop:WebPane>
function WebTreeView1_OnInitialize(controlId) { var WebTreeView1 = ISGetObject(controlId); if (IS.moz) { window.setTimeout(function () { = "100%"; }, 1000); } return true; }
Hope this helps.Thank you.Regards,Hans.
Hello,Please forgive me for lack of understanding about the reported problem.I made a simple sample using WebPaneManager and then I add WebTreeView in WebPaneManager.Then I try to the sample in Firefox (15.0.1). However I can’t reproduce the issue on my end.Please try to apply the attached WebTreeView assembly and update the Framework assembly through “Update Manager” application.However if the issue still persist, could you please have review on my sample and let me know if there are configurations that I missed?Or would you mind to provide me the step by step how to reproduce your issue?Thank you.Regards,Hans.
Hi Hans,
I already had your version of WebTreeview.dll, WebTreeView.Resources.dll and the *.js files you sent. Regarding upgrading, the Update manager says: "No new updates where found" so I assume I also have the newest version of the Framework.
I attach screenshots running your example where you can se in the lower screenshot that the treeview does not expand with the pane. To regenerate this problem, you jut resize the browser window verticaly and then you se that the lower border of the treeview is not moving with the parent Pane.
If this does not happen your site, what in the world could be causing it on my dev. computer.
NB! I'm running this with IIS7 web server, not a local dev. web server, if thtat matters. The computer I'm running this on (both browser and server) is Windows 7.
Regards TJ
Hans, Thank you for your effort.
The workaround solved the problem for now. But I had to set the timeout to 5 sec instead of 1 seconds. Then it worked.But anyway, I hope the dev-team comes with some solution, so I can remove this workaround.
Just to add to this. Safari 5.1.7 and Google Chrome 21.0.1180.89 m have the same symptom. So I changed your script to:
function WebTreeView1_OnInitialize(controlId) { var WebTreeView1 = ISGetObject(controlId); if (! { window.setTimeout(function () { = "100%"; }, 5000); } return true; }
This works sometimes, but sometimes not for those browsers depeinding on wich order you resize the browser window versus the splitter. I realy can't figure out the rule here ... and maybe it is totaly random.But anyway the script helps for those browsers.
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