
15 replies. Last post: August 21, 2011 11:02 PM by Handy Surya
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Please check the attached zip for the demo page and a video depicting the issue.

I have the following WebGrid's settings:
AllowFreezing is set to Yes
AutoFitColumns is set to False
Width of the columns are set as pixelated value


When I call the client side Refresh or RefreshAll function through javascipt code like
WebGrid1.Refresh(), the grid's column header loses the pixelated width and it sets the header as if the WebGrid is set to AutoFit the columns. The actual data cells doesnt loses the pixelated width, but the column header row gets set as if it tries to occupy the entire width of the WebGrid.

Please check the video for the visuals. I'm using all the latest dlls I have got after applying the SP1 and the latest hotfixes.

Prompt reply will be appreciated!!


Shahjahan Ansari


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